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[英]Execute a javascript function in Asynchronous mode

We have AJAX calls to hit a URL. 我们有AJAX调用来命中URL。 Do we have option to run/execute JavaScript function in Asynchronous mode? 我们是否可以选择在异步模式下运行/执行JavaScript函数?

Note: setTimeout() will execute that function after some seconds but still that will execute in Synchronous mode. 注意:setTimeout()将在几秒钟后执行该函数,但仍将在同步模式下执行。

No. JavaScript runs in a single thread per page. 否。JavaScript每页在一个线程中运行。

You want HTML5 Web Workers . 您需要HTML5 Web Workers There's a good introduction on HTML5 Rocks. 关于HTML5 Rocks 有很好的介绍

However, the Google Gears plugin provides a WorkerPool : 但是,Google Gears插件提供了 WorkerPool

WorkerPool API WorkerPool API

The WorkerPool API allows web applications to run JavaScript code in the background, without blocking the main page's script execution. WorkerPool API允许Web应用程序在后台运行JavaScript代码,而不会阻止主页脚本的执行。

There's also a proposal by the Gears team to add this to HTML5. Gears小组还有 一项建议将其添加到HTML5中。

Most modern browsers implement JavaScript Web Workers, they provide a simple way to run scripts in background threads. 大多数现代浏览器都实现JavaScript Web Worker,它们提供了一种在后台线程中运行脚本的简单方法。

Check the following articles: 检查以下文章:

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