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[英]Why is it called 'wchar_t' and not simply 'wchar'?

I've often wondered why C++ went with the name wchar_t instead of simply wchar , and I've never been able to find an answer. 我经常想知道为什么C ++使用的名称是wchar_t而不是简单的wchar ,而且我从来没有找到答案。 Search engines are no help because they think I'm asking about Windows' WCHAR type. 搜索引擎没有帮助,因为他们认为我在询问Windows的WCHAR类型。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

这是来自C的遗产,其中wchar_ttypedef ,而typedef在C标准库中具有该后缀。

The C standard library has used the _t suffix for many of the types that are defined in the library (as opposed to the types that are baked into C itself as keywords). C标准库对库中定义的许多类型使用_t后缀(而不是作为关键字烘焙到C本身的类型)。

For example, there's time_t , wchar_t , uint32_t , size_t , ptrdiff_t , div_t , etc. 例如,有time_twchar_tuint32_tsize_tptrdiff_tdiv_t等。

Of interest (to me anyway) is that the C standard doesn't reserve names of that form for itself. (无论如何)我感兴趣的是C标准不保留该形式的名称。 The C standard does indicate that names that start with " str ", " mem ", and a few other prefixes might be added to the standard in the future, but it doesn't do the same with names that end in " _t " - except that names that start with " int " or " uint " and end with " _t " might be added to <stdint.h> in the future. C标准确实表明将来以“ str ”,“ mem ”和一些其他前缀开头的名称可能会被添加到标准中,但是对于以“ _t ”结尾的名称不会这样做 -除了以“ int ”或“ uint ”开头并以“ _t ”结尾的名称将来可能会被添加到<stdint.h>中。 However, POSIX does reserve all names that end in " _t ". 但是,POSIX会保留所有以“ _t ”结尾的名称。

I think this was a 'phase' in the growing up of C and C++. 我认为这是C和C ++成长的“阶段”。 The need for some new types was felt but adding new keywords is always disputed. 人们觉得需要一些新的类型,但添加新的关键词总是存在争议。 Some code was already using wchar , far less code would have used wchar_t . 有些代码已经使用了wchar ,使用wchar_t代码要少得多。 Note that size_t and diff_t are of the same era. 请注意, size_tdiff_t属于同一时代。

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