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如何配置SQL Server最大内存使用率

[英]how to configure SQL Server max memory usage

I am using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise. 我正在使用SQL Server 2008 Enterprise。 SQL Server 2008 always tries to eat as much as memory as it could. SQL Server 2008总是尝试尽可能多地消耗内存。 Any ways to configure per database or per instance or per server level max memory usage of SQL Server 2008? 有什么方法可以配置每个数据库,每个实例或每个服务器级别的SQL Server 2008最大内存使用率?

thanks in advance, George 预先感谢乔治

Are you sure?: SQL SERVER 2008 - Memory Leak while storing Millions of records 您确定吗?: SQL SERVER 2008-存储数百万条记录时发生内存泄漏

If you really must: 如果您确实必须:

sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
sp_configure 'max server memory',100

The purpose of memory is to be used to speed up data access, not to sit around looking pretty (and empty). 内存的目的是用来加速数据访问,而不是看上去很漂亮(或空着)。 SQL Server should use as much RAM as it can get its hand(les) on for caching in order to make the best use of available resources. SQL Server 应该使用尽可能多的RAM来进行缓存,以便最大程度地利用可用资源。

With modern server applications it's best, 99.99% of the time, to let them manage their resources as designed. 对于现代服务器应用程序,最好让99.99%的时间让他们按设计管理资源。

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