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[英]Xml Deserialization - Sequence of Mutiple Types

Given the following fragment where links is a sequence of unbounded imagelinks and documentlinks, what should the deserailized class be? 给定以下片段,其中链接是无限制的图像链接和文档链接的序列,那么反序列化的类应该是什么?


Typically, if it was just an array of imagelinks I might have 通常,如果只是一个图像链接数组,我可能会有

public class Values
   public imagelink[] ImageLinks { get; set; }

public class ImageLink
   public string Value { get; set; }

But with the above xml I'm stumped. 但是上面的xml令我很困惑。

Btw, I have no control over the xml. 顺便说一句,我无法控制xml。

This worked 这工作

public class DocumentLink : Link

public class ImageLink : Link

public class Link
    public string Href { get; set; }

public class Values
    [XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "ImageLink", Type = typeof(ImageLink))]
    [XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "DocumentLink", Type = typeof(DocumentLink))]
    public Link[] Links { get; set; }

You should have a base class Link as follows 您应该具有如下的基类链接

public class Link
  public string Href { get; set; }

public class ImageLink : Link

public class DocumentLink : Link

And your values class would look like: 您的值类如下所示:

public class Values
   public Link[] links { get; set; }

Alternatively, you could use ArrayList instead of strong typed array. 或者,您可以使用ArrayList代替强类型数组。

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