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[英]wpf custom control not recognized

This is my first foray into custom controls, and it's not going well. 这是我第一次尝试自定义控件,但进展并不顺利。 I have a custom graph control derived from Canvas. 我有一个从Canvas派生的自定义图形控件。

namespace Grapher2 {
    public class SeriesManager : Canvas {
        public SeriesManager() {

It's defined in the same project and namespace as my app. 它在与我的应用程序相同的项目和名称空间中定义。 I tried adding a reference to the control in XAML as follows: 我尝试在XAML中添加对控件的引用,如下所示:

<Window x:Class="Grapher2.Window1"
Title="Grapher" Width="800" Height="600">

<StackPanel Name="container"  Width="700" Height="500">
    <graph:SeriesManager Name="seriesManager" Width="700" Height="500" />

But when I try to reference the control name "seriesManager" in the code-behind for the Window, I get "The name 'seriesManager' does not exist in the current context." 但是,当我尝试在Window的代码中引用控件名称“ seriesManager”时,出现“名称'seriesManager'在当前上下文中不存在”。

Furthermore, the XAML editor will not render the Window, giving a huge stack trace with the error: "Type 'MS.Internal.Permissions.UserInitiatedNavigationPermission' in Assembly 'PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' is not marked as serializable." 此外,XAML编辑器将不会呈现窗口,从而产生巨大的堆栈跟踪,并显示以下错误:程序集'PresentationFramework中的“类型'MS.Internal.Permissions.UserInitiatedNavigationPermission',版本=,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35'没有标记为可序列化。”

I imagine the solution is something stupidly simple for anyone who's done custom controls. 我认为对于完成自定义控件的任何人来说,解决方案都非常简单。 But I'm stumped. 但是我很沮丧。

did you try x:Name="seriesManager" in your xaml? 您是否在xaml中尝试了x:Name =“ seriesManager”?

Edit: This may not be the issue seeing how you said your xaml isn't rendering. 编辑:这可能不是您看到您的xaml无法呈现的问题。 I'm guessing once you get the xaml to render in the designer... the code behind will work better. 我猜想一旦让xaml在设计器中呈现...后面的代码将更好地工作。

Edit 2: Whenever I've had a problem with the designer rendering, it's because I'm doing something in the constructor of my custom control. 编辑2:每当我在设计器渲染方面遇到问题时,这是因为我在自定义控件的构造函数中进行了某些操作。 Check your SeriesManager to see if you are doing something in its constructor that is causing a problem. 检查您的SeriesManager,以查看您是否在其构造函数中执行了导致问题的操作。 Maybe you are referencing something that doesn't exist yet. 也许您引用的是尚不存在的东西。 If you do have extra code in your constructor, consider moving it to the UserControl_Loaded event. 如果构造函数中确实包含其他代码,请考虑将其移至UserControl_Loaded事件。

Backing up Scott's answer here, since he helped me solve it: 在这里备份Scott的答案,因为他帮助我解决了这个问题:

What I did wrong was trying to access the control BEFORE InitializeComponent(), but was confused by 2 other error messages somewhere else in the code. 我做错的是尝试在InitializeComponent()之前访问控件,但是在代码中的其他地方却被其他2条错误消息所混淆。 Just in case someone else has this error. 以防万一别人有这个错误。

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