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使用Allegro的C ++中的透明精灵

[英]Transparent sprites in c++ with Allegro

I'm learning to use Allegro. 我正在学习使用Allegro。 I'm trying to make my character cut out. 我正在努力使角色消失。 How do I key out a certain color from my bitmap? 如何从位图中抠出某种颜色? which way is used for allegro? 快板采用哪种方式? Thanks 谢谢

http://www.allegro.cc/manual/api/blitting-and-sprites/draw_sprite http://www.allegro.cc/manual/api/blitting-and-sprites/draw_sprite

"Transparent pixels are marked by a zero in 256-color modes or bright pink for truecolor data (maximum red and blue, zero green)." “在256色模式下,透明像素用0标记,对于真彩色数据,明亮的粉红色标记(最大红色和蓝色,绿色零)。”

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