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[英]Java: Converting a double to a String

I have a double whose value is 10,000,000.00 (ten millions).我有一个双精度值是 10,000,000.00(千万)。 I have to convert it to a String .我必须将其转换为String When using the method toString I am getting the String "1.0E7" which is correct following the specification.当使用toString方法时,我得到了符合规范的String “1.0E7”。 Unfortunately I need the String "10,000,000.00" (or the equivalent depending on the locale).不幸的是,我需要String “10,000,000.00”(或等价物,具体取决于语言环境)。

How can achieve this?怎样才能做到这一点?

In addition to the formatter, you might consider using the java.math.BigDecimal class to represent numbers precisely.除了格式化程序之外,您还可以考虑使用java.math.BigDecimal类来精确表示数字。

Calculations where complete accuracy is required, such as financial calculations, are best performed with BigDecimal .需要完全准确的计算(例如财务计算)最好使用BigDecimal执行。 Floating point math is better for engineering, graphics, and other mathematical computations where some accuracy can be sacrificed for speed.浮点数学更适用于工程、图形和其他数学计算,在这些计算中,为了速度可以牺牲一些精度。

  public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
    double aDouble = 10000000.00;
    DecimalFormat nf = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
    String aString = Double.toString(aDouble);

Look into "DecimalFormat".查看“十进制格式”。 It lets you format the output pretty much however you want!它可以让您随意格式化输出!

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