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TeamCity MSBuild Gallio NCover报告

[英]TeamCity MSBuild Gallio NCover Reporting

I'm a complete build system newbie through and through. 我是一个完整的构建系统newbie贯穿始终。 I've been playing with this for about two weeks on and off now and I just can't crack it, I think I've reached a point where I need a fresh pair of eyes. 我现在已经玩了大约两个星期了,我现在无法破解它,我想我已经到了需要一双新眼睛的地方。 Ultimately I'm aiming for having a new NCover coverage report (the summary one at least) in my TeamCity build project. 最终,我的目标是在我的TeamCity构建项目中获得一个新的NCover覆盖报告(至少是摘要)。

I've tried all manner of things, some demo's I've found online, the Extras from the NCover guys and read so much I'm pretty confused! 我已经尝试了各种各样的东西,我在网上找到的一些演示,来自NCover人的额外内容并阅读了这么多我很困惑! I have the following task in my MSBuild script: 我的MSBuild脚本中有以下任务:

<Target Name="TestCoverage">
    <Message Text="Test Assemblies @(TestAssemblies)" />
    <Gallio RunnerType="NCover" 
                              NCoverArguments='//w %(TestAssemblies.RootDir)%(TestAssemblies.Directory) CoverageExcludeAttribute //ea //r:Local'" >
        <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="ExitCode"/>

The error message I see in the gallio_cover.xml report that is produced is: 我在生成的gallio_cover.xml报告中看到的错误消息是:

<logEntry severity="info" message="Connected&#xA;Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not established." />
<logEntry severity="error" message="Host process exited with code: 1" />

I've snipped off a load of stuff from the last message. 我从最后一条消息中剪掉了一大堆东西。

I've seen so many different examples of how this 'should be done' that I can't seem to track down the problem with how I'm calling NCover via Gallio. 我已经看到了很多不同的例子,说明我应该怎么做,我似乎无法通过Gallio调用NCover来解决问题。

Any ideas or input would be really appreciated. 任何想法或意见都会非常感激。

Thanks, 谢谢,

James. 詹姆士。

NCover can execute any testing framework. NCover可以执行任何测试框架。 We just need to know the application to call the parameters for that application. 我们只需要知道应用程序来调用该应用程序的参数。

Did you read this information on integrating NCover with TeamCity? 您是否阅读过有关将NCover与TeamCity集成的信息?

http://docs.ncover.com/how-to/continuous-integration/teamcity/ http://docs.ncover.com/how-to/continuous-integration/teamcity/

If you have any questions, feel free to contact support. 如果您有任何疑问,请随时联系支持。

Thank you, 谢谢,

Joe Feser NCover Joe Feser NCover

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