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[英]T-SQL conditional UPDATE (v2)

I have a table: 我有一张桌子:

Message (MessageID int, Subject nvarchar(100), Body nvarchar(max))

After a message is being updated on UI, I call a stored proc to update that table. 在UI上更新消息后,我调用存储过程来更新该表。 In some cases user might update just subject, in other cases just body. 在某些情况下,用户可能只更新主题,在其他情况下只是正文。 I want this stored proc to only update what has changed, so I'm also passing flags showing whether subject or body has been updated: 我希望这个存储过程仅更新已更改的内容,因此我还会传递标记,显示主题或正文是否已更新:

create proc UpdateMessage(
  @MessageID int, 
  @Subject nvarchar(100), 
  @Body nvarchar(max),
  @SubjectChanged bit,
  @BodyChanged bit)

And now i'm confused how to build the conditional UPDATE statement. 现在我很困惑如何构建条件UPDATE语句。 My first thought was to use CASE : 我的第一个想法是使用CASE

Update [Message] 
CASE WHEN @SubjectChanged = 1 THEN [Subject] = @Subject ELSE 1=1 END,
CASE WHEN @BodyChanged = 1 THEN Body = @Body ELSE 1=1 END,
WHERE MessageID = @MessageID

... but that doesn't seem to be a correct syntax as CASE has to be the right side of an assigment. ...但这似乎不是一个正确的语法,因为CASE必须是一个分配的右侧。

Any ideas how I could do that? 任何想法我怎么能这样做? (And keep in mind that in reality there are 6 parameters that can be updated, not two) (请记住,实际上有6个参数可以更新,而不是两个)

The syntax required to create your statement is: 创建语句所需的语法是:

Update [Message] 
SET    [Subject] = CASE WHEN @SubjectChanged = 1 THEN @Subject ELSE [Subject] END,
       Body = CASE WHEN @BodyChanged = 1 THEN @Body ELSE Body END
WHERE  MessageID = @MessageID

if you still want to stick to it after all the suggestions. 如果你仍然想在所有建议之后坚持下去。

Nb if you leave out the ELSE [Subject] part of the CASE statements, instead of ignoring the UPDATE it sets the field to NULL. Nb,如果省略CASE语句的ELSE [Subject]部分,而不是忽略UPDATE,它将字段设置为NULL。

Your best bet, by far, is to use explicit IF statements: 到目前为止,您最好的选择是使用明确的IF语句:

IF @subjectHasChanged = 1 and @bodyHasChanged = 1
 UPDATE Messages SET Subject = @subject, Body = @body 
   WHERE MessageId = @MessageId
ELSE IF @subjectHasChanged = 1
 UPDATE Messages SET Subject = @subject WHERE MessageId = @MessageId
ELSE IF @bodyHasChanged
 UPDATE Messages SET Body = @body WHERE MessageId = @MessageId

From a performance point of view, nothing beats this. 从性能的角度来看,没有什么比这更好的了。 Because SQL can see during query compilation that you only update Body, or Subject, or both, it can generate the appropriate plan, for instance not even bothering to open (for update) the non-clustered index you have on Subject (if you have one, of course) when you only update Body. 因为SQL在查询编译期间可以看到您只更新Body或Subject或两者,它可以生成适当的计划,例如甚至不打开(更新)您在Subject上的非聚集索引(如果您有一个,当然)当你只更新Body。

From a code code quality point of view, this is disaster, a nightmare to maintain. 从代码质量的角度来看,这是灾难,维持的噩梦。 But acknowledging the problem is 80% solving the problem :) . 但承认问题是80%解决问题:)。 You can use code generation techniques for instance to maintain such problem procedures. 例如,您可以使用代码生成技术来维护此类问题过程。

Another viable approach is actually to use dynamic SQL, construct the UPDATE in the procedure and use sp_executesql. 另一种可行的方法实际上是使用动态SQL,在过程中构造UPDATE并使用sp_executesql。 It has its own set of problems, as all dynamic SQL has. 它有自己的一组问题,就像所有动态SQL一样。 There are resources about dynamic SQL problems, and there are workarounds and solutions, see The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL . 有关于动态SQL问题的资源,有解决方法和解决方案,请参阅动态SQL的诅咒和祝福

update Message set
    Subject = (case when @SubjectChanged = 1 then @Subject else Subject end),
    Body = (case when @BodyChanged = 1 then @Body else Body end)

where MessageID = @MessageID

That should really be all you need. 这应该就是你所需要的。 However, if you truly can't update the field if it hasn't changed , then you'll have to do it in separate statements. 但是,如果您确实无法更新字段(如果它没有更改) ,那么您必须在单独的语句中执行此操作。

if @SubjectChanged = 1 
    update Message set Subject = @Subject where MessageID = @MessageID
if @BodyChanged = 1 
    update Message set Body = @Body where MessageID = @MessageID

Seems to me like you are wasting a lot of effort. 在我看来,你正在浪费很多精力。 If you retrieve the six values, display them to the user (in some user interface) and they can change some variable number of them and hit a "save" button - then just update all 6 fields every time, getting the new values from the user input fields. 如果您检索六个值,将它们显示给用户(在某些用户界面中),他们可以更改一些变量数量并点击“保存”按钮 - 然后每次只更新所有6个字段,从中获取新值用户输入字段。

Some may not have changed, but so what. 有些可能没有改变,但那是什么。 Much simpler code that way. 这种方式更简单的代码。

Use DEFAULT values for the stored procedure parameters. 对存储过程参数使用DEFAULT值。

create proc UpdateMessage(
  @MessageID int,  -- mandatory
  @Subject nvarchar(100) = NULL, 
  @Body nvarchar(max) = NULL)

Then, you can structure your update in this way: 然后,您可以通过以下方式构建更新:

Update [Message] 
[Subject] = ISNULL(@Subject, [Subject]),
Body = ISNULL(@Body, Body)
WHERE MessageID = @MessageID
  @MessageID int, 
  @Subject nvarchar(100), 
  @Body nvarchar(max),
    if(@Subject is null or @Subject='')
        SELECT @Subject=Subject FROM Message WHERE MessageID=@MessageID
    if(@Body is null or @Body='')
        SELECT @Body=Body FROM Message WHERE MessageID=@MessageID
    UPDATE Message SET Subject=@Subject, Body=@Body WHERE MessageID=@MessageID

I am not sure if this is the best way to do it, but maybe you can try 我不确定这是否是最好的方法,但也许你可以试试

IF @SubjectChanged = 1 THEN
      UPDATE [Message]
      SET [Subject] = @Subject
      WHERE MessageID = @MessageID     

IF @BodyChanged = 1 THEN
      UPDATE [Message]
      SET Body = @Body
      WHERE MessageID = @MessageID

I would highly recommend using Adam Robinson's method if you require this to be in a single stored procedure. 如果您要求将其存储在单个存储过程中,我强烈建议使用Adam Robinson的方法。

Even better would be to simply use separate stored procedures for each one of these updates. 更好的方法是简单地为每个更新使用单独的存储过程。

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