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自定义Wpf Lookless控制…动态确定控件类型

[英]Custom Wpf Lookless contol…Dynamically Decide Control type

How to decide the type of a custom lookless control on run time.I have to decide the controls type(ie,whether textbox or combo) on runtime(actually when some Dependency property is bound).How can i do it? 如何在运行时确定自定义无外观控件的类型。我必须在运行时(实际上是在绑定某些Dependency属性时)确定控件的类型(即文本框还是组合框)。我该怎么办? Can i define where to inherit from on run time..? 我可以定义从运行时继承的位置吗?


You can use a Trigger that sets the ControlTemplate property of your control. 您可以使用触发器来设置控件的ControlTemplate属性。

<Style TargetType={x:Type local:MyControl}>
    <Trigger Property="MyProperty" Value="MyValue1">
      <Setter Property="ControlTemplate">
          <ControlTemplate TargetType={x:Type local:MyControl}>
            <!-- first template -->
    <Trigger Property="MyProperty" Value="MyValue2">
      <Setter Property="ControlTemplate">
          <ControlTemplate TargetType={x:Type local:MyControl}>
            <!-- second template -->

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