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[英]How do I create a directory within the current working directory, in Java

What is the most succinct way to create a directory called "Foo" underneath the current working directory of my Java application (if it does not already exist)? 在我的Java应用程序的当前工作目录下创建名为“Foo”的目录的最简洁方法是什么(如果它还不存在)?

Or, a slightly different angle: What is the Java equivalent of Directory.CreateDirectory("Foo") in .NET? 或者,稍微不同的角度:.NET中的Directory.CreateDirectory("Foo")的Java等价物是什么?

The java.io package does not have a Directory class, but you can use the mkdir() method on the File class instead: java.io包没有Directory类,但您可以在File类上使用mkdir()方法:

(new File("Foo")).mkdir()

Note that mkdir() has two separate failure modes: 请注意, mkdir()有两种不同的故障模式:

  1. "If a security manager exists and its checkWrite() method does not permit the named directory to be created" then a SecurityException will be thrown. “如果存在安全管理器且其checkWrite()方法不允许创建命名目录,则会抛出SecurityException
  2. If the operation fails for another reason, mkdir() will return false. 如果操作由于其他原因而失败,则mkdir()将返回false。 (More specifically, it will return true if and only if the directory was created.) (更具体地说, 当且仅当目录已创建时,它才会返回true。)

Point 1 is ok — if you don't have permission, throw. 第1点没问题 - 如果您没有权限,请抛出。 Point 2 is a little sub-optimal for three reasons: 由于三个原因,第2点略微次优:

  1. You need to inspect the boolean result from this method. 您需要检查此方法的布尔结果。 If you ignore the result the operation could silently fail. 如果忽略结果,操作可能会无声地失败。
  2. If you get a false return you have no idea why the operation failed, which makes it difficult to recover, or formulate a meaningful error message. 如果您得到错误的返回,您不知道操作失败的原因,这使得难以恢复或制定有意义的错误消息。
  3. The strict "if and only if" wording of the contract also means that the method returns false if the directory already exists. 合同的严格“if if only only”措辞也意味着如果目录已经存在,则该方法返回false。

Aside: Contrast Point 3 with the behaviour of the .NET Directory.CreateDirectory() which does nothing if the directory exists. 旁白:对比点3与.NET Directory.CreateDirectory()的行为,如果该目录存在,它不执行任何操作。 This kind of makes sense — "create a directory"; 这种意义 - “创建一个目录”; "ok, the directory is created". “好的,目录已创建”。 Does it matter if it was created now or earlier; 它是现在还是更早创建的是否重要; by this process or another? 通过这个过程或另一个? If you really cared about that wouldn't you be asking a different question: "Does this directory exist?" 如果你真的很关心那就不会问一个不同的问题:“这个目录是否存在?”

The next caveat is that mkdir() will not create more than one directory at a time. 下一个警告是mkdir()不会创建多个目录。 For my simple example of a directory named "Foo" this is fine; 对于我名为“Foo”的目录的简单示例,这很好; however, if you wanted to create a directory called Bar within the directory Foo (ie to create the directory "Foo/Bar") you must remember to use the mkdirs() method instead. 但是,如果你想在目录Foo中创建一个名为Bar的目录(即创建目录“Foo / Bar”),你必须记住使用mkdirs()方法。

So to work around all of these caveats, you can employ a helper method such as the following: 因此,要解决所有这些警告,您可以使用辅助方法,如下所示:

public static File createDirectory(String directoryPath) throws IOException {
    File dir = new File(directoryPath);
    if (dir.exists()) {
        return dir;
    if (dir.mkdirs()) {
        return dir;
    throw new IOException("Failed to create directory '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "' for an unknown reason.");

I've seen a slightly more concise form of your createDirectory method: 我已经看到了createDirectory方法稍微简洁的形式:

File f = new File(xyz);
if (!f.exists() && !f.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Could not create directory " + f);

It might also be worthwhile to check if f exists but is not a directory. 检查f存在但不是目录也可能是值得的。

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