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Java - JComboBox中的复选框

[英]Java - Check Boxes in a JComboBox

I would like to make a JComboBox that has check boxes for items instead of text. 我想制作一个JComboBox,它有项目而不是文本的复选框。 In addition, it should be possible to check multiple items and retrieve the selected items from the component. 此外,应该可以检查多个项目并从组件中检索所选项目。 Should I be make a custom ComboBoxUI, ComboBoxEditor, ListCellRenderer, ComboPopUp, or something different entirely? 我应该自定义ComboBoxUI,ComboBoxEditor,ListCellRenderer,ComboPopUp或其他不同的东西吗? Is there an existing Java control that does this? 是否存在执行此操作的现有Java控件?

This was fairly easy to implement. 这很容易实现。 Found it here link text 在这里找到链接文本

/* * The following code is adapted from Java Forums - JCheckBox in JComboBox URL: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=257&threadID=364705 Date of Access: July 28 2005 */
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.util.*;

public class JComboCheckBox extends JComboBox {
  public JComboCheckBox() { addStuff(); }
  public JComboCheckBox(JCheckBox[] items) { super(items); addStuff(); }
  public JComboCheckBox(Vector items) { super(items); addStuff(); }
  public JComboCheckBox(ComboBoxModel aModel) { super(aModel); addStuff(); }
  private void addStuff() {
    setRenderer(new ComboBoxRenderer());
    addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { itemSelected(); }
  private void itemSelected() {
    if (getSelectedItem() instanceof JCheckBox) {
      JCheckBox jcb = (JCheckBox)getSelectedItem();
  class ComboBoxRenderer implements ListCellRenderer {
    private JLabel defaultLabel;
    public ComboBoxRenderer() { setOpaque(true); }
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index,
                boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
      if (value instanceof Component) {
        Component c = (Component)value;
        if (isSelected) {
        } else {
        return c;
      } else {
        if (defaultLabel==null) defaultLabel = new JLabel(value.toString());
        else defaultLabel.setText(value.toString());
        return defaultLabel;

That's not what combo boxes are "for". 这不是组合框的“for”。 Are you sure you don't want, say, a JMenu with JRadioButtonMenuItem s? 你确定你不想要一个带有JRadioButtonMenuItem的JMenu吗?

If you do really want to proceed, then you'd use a custom renderer, as you suggested . 如果真的想继续,那么你会使用一个自定义渲染,因为你建议

We were once given this same inane requirement as well. 我们曾经被赋予同样的愚蠢要求。 We complied with a brand new component. 我们遵守了一个全新的组件。 It was essentially a JPanel which had a text field and a down arrow button. 它本质上是一个JPanel ,它有一个文本字段和一个向下箭头按钮。 It contained a JList which used a JCheckbox -derrived ListCellRenderer . 它包含一个使用JCheckbox -derrived ListCellRendererJList The JList was packaged in a JPopupMenu which was displayed on mouse clicks. JList打包在JPopupMenu ,通过鼠标点击显示。

You can take a look at japura . 你可以看看japura It's a open source custom component based on swing. 它是一个基于swing的开源定制组件。

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