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为什么Visual Studio不知道此结构的正确定义?

[英]Why does Visual Studio not know the correct definition of this struct?

I've got a weird issue that almost seems like a Visual Studio 2008 issue. 我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,几乎像是Visual Studio 2008问题。 I have a C struct definition as follows: 我有一个C结构定义,如下所示:

static struct frame {
    short typupdt;
    char callarg[1+CallSiz];
    char *unitarg;
    XTime unitage;
    XTime orgtime;
    XTime newtime;
    char oldstat[1+StatSiz];
    char newstat[1+StatSiz];
    char incdisp[1+DispSiz];
    char orgdisp[1+DispSiz];
    char clearcod[1+ClearSiz];
    char orgclear[1+ClearSiz];
    char observd[1+ObsSiz];
    char orgobs[1+ObsSiz];
    char raddesc[1+Desc1Siz];
    char incnum[INVIDLEN];
    char agency[1+AgencySiz];
    int wlins;
    int wcols;
    int skipsrch;
    struct frame *next;
} *Frame= NULL;

Which should (and seems to) create a new struct called frame and a global pointer (to this file) to an instance of that struct called Frame . 哪个应该(并且似乎)创建一个称为frame的新struct以及一个指向该struct实例Frame的全局指针(指向此文件)。 That all seems to work fine in the code itself. 一切似乎在代码本身中都可以正常工作。 However, when I am debugging this code and set a break point somewhere and then examine Frame in the watch window, the information it reports is completely wrong. 但是,当我调试此代码并在某个位置设置断点,然后在监视窗口中检查Frame时,它报告的信息是完全错误的。 It's like it's looking at the correct piece of memory, but its understanding of the definition is incorrect, ie the fields it says the struct has are not even close. 就像正在查看正确的内存一样,但是它对定义的理解是不正确的,也就是说,它说该结构所具有的字段甚至不紧密。

At first I thought there was sort of weird namespacing issue or something so I changed the names of both frame and Frame , but the issue still existed. 最初我以为是一个奇怪的命名空间问题,所以我同时更改了frameFrame的名称,但是问题仍然存在。 Anybody have any idea what is going on? 有人知道发生了什么吗? Like I said, the code seems to work, but debugging is pretty much impossible. 就像我说的那样,代码似乎可以工作,但是调试几乎是不可能的。

Edit: I updated the definition with the real definition, and here's a screenshot of what I see in the watch window: 编辑:我用实际定义更新了定义,这是我在监视窗口中看到的屏幕截图:

alt text http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/6943/watchlist.jpg 替代文字http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/6943/watchlist.jpg

That Make a lick of sense to anybody? 那对任何人都有意义吗? I'm still super stumped. 我还是很困惑。

There's something about your situation described by Microsoft: Microsoft对您的情况有一些描述: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822551 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822551

WORKAROUND : Microsoft strongly recommends that you use unique type definitions. 解决方法 :Microsoft强烈建议您使用唯一的类型定义。

The problem is that this 问题是

struct foo { /*...*/ } * bar;

defines bar to be a foo* , not a foo . bar定义为foo* ,而不是foo Try 尝试

struct foo { /*...*/ } bar;

instead. 代替。

Are you running a Debug build? 您正在运行调试版本吗? Debugging a release build will often seem to work, but the debugger will report garbage values for variables. 调试发行版似乎通常可以工作,但是调试器将报告变量的垃圾值。

If that's not it, then I'd try to verify if it is a compiler/syntax issue by splitting up the definition so you define the struct as a typedef and then define the pointer in a separate statement. 如果不是,那么我将尝试通过拆分定义来验证它是否是编译器/语法问题,以便将结构定义为typedef,然后在单独的语句中定义指针。 (This would arguably make the code more readable/maintainable anyway - if you don't trust the code above then rewriting it in a way that you do trust is advisable) (可以说,这无论如何都会使代码更具可读性/可维护性-如果您不信任上面的代码,那么建议以您信任的方式重写它)

Try declaring the struct frame and defining a variable of that type in different statements. 尝试声明struct frame并在不同的语句中定义该类型的变量。

struct frame {
    /* .. Various other fields, etc */
    struct frame *next;
static struct frame *Frame = NULL;

Maybe the static messes up Visual Studio. 也许static搞砸了Visual Studio。

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