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[英]How to implement DataTable property with INotifyPropertyChanged

I have created WPF MVVM application, and set WPFToolkit DataGrid binding to DataTable so I want to know how to implement DataTable property to notify changed. 我已经创建了WPF MVVM应用程序,并将WPFToolkit DataGrid绑定设置为DataTable,所以我想知道如何实现DataTable属性以通知更改。 Currently my code is like below. 目前,我的代码如下。

public DataTable Test
    get { return this.testTable; }

public void X()
    this.Test.Add(...); // I suppose this line will call to getter first (this.Test = get Test) and then it will call add letter, this mean that setter scope will never fire.
    base.OnPropertyChanged("Test"); // my solution is here :) but I hope it has better ways.

Is it has another solution for this problem? 它有解决此问题的另一种方法吗?

There are 2 ways your Table data could change: Either an element could be added/removed from the collection, or some properties from within an element could change. Table数据有两种更改方式:要么可以从集合中添加/删除元素,要么可以更改元素中的某些属性。

The first scenario is easy to handle: make your collection an ObservableCollection<T> . 第一种情况很容易处理:将您的集合设为ObservableCollection<T> Invoking .Add(T item) or .Remove(item) on your table will fire a change notification through to the View for you (and the table will update accordingly) 在表上调用.Add(T item).Remove(item)将为您触发更改通知到视图(并且表将相应更新)

The second scenario is where you need your T object to implement INotifyPropertyChanged... 第二种情况是您需要T对象来实现INotifyPropertyChanged ...

Ultimately your code should look something like this: 最终,您的代码应如下所示:

    public class MyViewModel
       public ObservableCollection<MyObject> MyData { get; set; }

    public class MyObject : INotifyPropertyChanged
       public MyObject()

       private string _status;
       public string Status
         get { return _status; }
           if (_status != value)
             _status = value;
             RaisePropertyChanged("Status"); // Pass the name of the changed Property here

       public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

       private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
          PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = this.PropertyChanged;
          if (handler != null)
              var e = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName);
              handler(this, e);

Now set the datacontext of your View to be an instance of your ViewModel, and bind to the collection, like: 现在将View的datacontext设置为ViewModel的实例,并绑定到该集合,例如:

    ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyData}"
    ... />

Hope this helps :) Ian 希望这会有所帮助:)伊恩

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