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[英]Object not set to instance…blah

i have radio buttons that autopostback and set panels to either visible or invisible. 我有单选按钮,可以自动回传并将面板设置为可见或不可见。 The entire page is in an update panel so that i can force it to update and show the invisible changes. 整个页面位于更新面板中,因此我可以强制其更新并显示不可见的更改。 The radio buttons are also in update panels. 单选按钮也在更新面板中。

It works fine except for one thing - my javascript went out the window! 除了一件事,它工作正常-我的JavaScript不在窗口内! It can't find any of my controls after the panel is updated. 更新面板后找不到我的任何控件。

Is there some way i can fix this? 有什么办法可以解决这个问题?

 Panel PnlPersonInjury = (Panel)FormView1.FindControl("PnlPersonInjury");
 Panel pnlPropertyDamage = (Panel)FormView1.FindControl("pnlPropertyDamage");

    RadioButton CTypeP = (RadioButton)FormView1.FindControl("RadioButton1");
    RadioButton CTypeC = (RadioButton)FormView1.FindControl("RadioButton2");
    RadioButton LossLossP = (RadioButton)FormView1.FindControl("RadioButton3");
    RadioButton LossLossI = (RadioButton)FormView1.FindControl("RadioButton4");

    if (LossLossI.Checked)
       // pnlPropertyDamage.Enabled = false;
        PnlPersonInjury.Enabled = true;
        PnlPersonInjury.Visible = true;
        pnlPropertyDamage.Visible = false;
        InjSummmary.Visible = false;
        PropSummary.Visible = false;
        pnlPropertyDamage.Enabled = true;
        PnlPersonInjury.Enabled = false;

        PnlPersonInjury.Visible = false;
        pnlPropertyDamage.Visible = true;
        InjSummmary.Visible = false;
        PropSummary.Visible = false;

    if (CTypeC.Checked)
        cPanel.Enabled = true;
        pPanel.Enabled = false;
        cPanel.Visible = true;
        pPanel.Visible = false;
        cPanel.Enabled = false;
        pPanel.Enabled = true;
        cPanel.Visible = false;
        pPanel.Visible = true;


I left some of the instantiation of some controls out - so that is not an issue. 我忽略了一些控件的实例化-因此这不是问题。

Without seeing the JavaScript, or knowing what part of this code is related to the error, I'd guess that this line is part of your problem: 在没有看到JavaScript或不知道该代码的哪一部分与该错误相关的情况下,我猜想这行是您问题的一部分:

PnlPersonInjury.Visible = false;

If a server-side control is hidden, it doesn't render anything to the client-side markup. 如果服务器端控件是隐藏的,则不会向客户端标记呈现任何内容。

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