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[英]Problem checking the name of a file in php

I am writing a PHP page to convert an uploaded file to XML. 我正在写一个PHP页面,将上传的文件转换为XML。 I only want to convert the news file to XML. 我只想将新闻文件转换为XML。 The only file that ever needs to be converted is news.htm. 唯一需要转换的文件是news.htm。 I have narrowed my problem down to this if statement. 我已将问题缩小到该if语句。 What is wrong with it? 怎么了

$fileName = basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name'] );

if( strcmp( $fileName, "news.htm") == 0 )

Use curly braces around the body of the if statement, instead of parentheses: if语句的主体周围使用花括号,而不是括号:

if( strcmp( $fileName, "news.htm") == 0 )


$fileName = basename( stripslashes( $_FILES['uploaded']['name'] ) );

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