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iOS SDK:如何从UIDatePicker中获取日期?

[英]iOS SDK: How to get the date out of a UIDatePicker?

I need to retrieve the date from a UIDatePicker (Preferably I would also like to be specify the format as well. For example, mmdd would output the string 1209. Any string that reasonably parsed would work as well. 我需要从UIDatePicker检索日期(最好我也想指定格式。例如,mmdd将输出字符串1209.任何合理解析的字符串也可以。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You need to use the date property: 您需要使用日期属性:

NSDate *myDate = datePicker.date;

NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"cccc, MMM d, hh:mm aa"];
NSString *prettyVersion = [dateFormat stringFromDate:myDate];

BTW, it's not obvious but you can add specific non-parsed text by encompassing it inside single quotes in the format: 顺便说一下,它并不明显,但你可以通过在单引号中包含格式来添加特定的非解析文本:

[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"'Game-'yyyyMMdd-HHmm'.xml'"];
NSString *filenameVersion = [dateFormat stringFromDate:myDate];

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