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为MSI文件构建Inno Setup安装程序

[英]Building Inno Setup installer for MSI files

I'm building a deployment for a work environment, and doing it with Inno Setup. 我正在为工作环境构建部署,并使用Inno Setup进行部署。 I wrap the other installers in one Inno-exe-File. 我将其他安装程序包装在一个Inno-exe文件中。 It's working fine with other exe installers, but fails when it comes to MSI installers. 它可以与其他exe安装程序一起正常工作,但在MSI安装程序上却失败。

I don't know if there is any general problem, but it completely ignores my file association with the MSI exe (it works fine in Explorer, the association is ok). 我不知道是否存在任何一般性问题,但是它完全忽略了我与MSI exe的文件关联(在资源管理器中工作正常,关联还可以)。

Any ideas ? 有任何想法吗 ? Probably there is some general problem.. 可能存在一些一般性问题。

Have the script launch Windows Installer just by executing the .MSI file will not work--the lookup of the default action to do when you open a file is done by the shell, but not automagically done by programs trying to launch things. 让脚本仅通过执行.MSI文件来启动Windows Installer是行不通的-打开文件时执行的默认操作的查找是由外壳程序完成的,而不是由试图启动程序的程序自动完成的。

But the answer is simple: you just need to provide the msiexec.exe command line to launch them, something like this: 但是答案很简单:您只需要提供msiexec.exe命令行即可启动它们,如下所示:

%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe /i <your_msi_filename> /qb-

Thanks to ewall I found this working for me: 感谢ewall,我发现这对我有用:

Use a bat file for execution of all your MSIs, where you call each with full path, this way: 使用bat文件来执行所有MSI,并在其中以完整路径调用每个MSI,方法是:

"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /i "C:\Programme\mySetup\tmp\InstallernameX" /qb-

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