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[英]What's the quickest/best way to format a ?double to currency for string output in C#?

When using .ToString("{blah}") it gives an error because it's a ?double not a double... 'bad parameter' etc 当使用.ToString(“ {blah}”)时会给出错误,因为它是?double而不是double ...'坏参数'等

Note this does not seem to be working, sometimes I get '5.7': 请注意,这似乎不起作用,有时会得到“ 5.7”:

double itemListPrice = Math.Round((double)((item.UserIntervalPrice * item.Volume) - 
    ((item.UserIntervalPrice * item.Volume) * (item.VolumeDiscount / 100))),2);

htmlReceipt += "<tr><td>" + item.Title + "</td><td>" + item.Description + "</td><td>" + 
    item.Volume + "</td><td>$" + itemListPrice.ToString() + "</td></tr>";

Have you tried: 你有没有尝试过:

double? myDouble = 10.5;

if (myDouble.HasValue)
    string currency = myDouble.Value.ToString("c");

I find the following to work quite well: 我发现以下工作效果很好:

double? val1 = null;
double? val2 = 5.7d;

var s1 = string.Format("{0:c}", val1);  // outputs: ""
var s2 = string.Format("{0:c}", val2);  // outputs: $5.70

I wouldn't worry too much about performance in this case, and be more concerned with correctness and clarity, myself. 在这种情况下,我不会太担心性能,而我自己会更加关注正确性和清晰度。

I would also suggest you consider using string.Format() or a StringBuilder in lieu of concatenating string fragments individually. 我还建议您考虑使用string.Format()StringBuilder代替单独连接字符串片段。 Not this this is a huge deal, but it does allocate and discard intermediate strings unnecessarily; 这不是什么大不了的事情,但是它确实不必要地分配和丢弃了中间字符串。 which, if you're concerned about performance you'd probably want to eliminate; 其中,如果您担心性能,则可能要消除; for example: 例如:

htmlReceipt += 
   string.Format( "<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3:c}</td></tr>",
                   item.Title, item.Description, item.Volume, item.listPrice );

使用小数来处理货币值,并使用Decimal.ToString(“ C”)进行格式化。



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