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[英]How to validate that a file is a password protected ZIP file, using C#

Given a path to a file, how can I validate that the file is a password-protected zip file? 给定文件的路径,如何验证该文件是受密码保护的zip文件?

ie, how would I implement this function? 即,我该如何实现这个功能?

bool IsPasswordProtectedZipFile(string pathToFile)

I don't need to unzip the file -- I just need to verify that it's a ZIP and has been protected with some password. 我不需要解压缩文件 - 我只需要验证它是ZIP并且已经受到一些密码的保护。

Thanks 谢谢

Using SharpZipLib , the following code works. 使用SharpZipLib ,以下代码可以正常工作。 And by works I mean entry.IsCrypted returns true or false based on whether or not there is a password for the first entry in the zip file. 并且通过工作我的意思是entry.IsCrypted根据zip文件中的第一个条目是否有密码返回true或false。

var file = @"c:\testfile.zip";
FileStream fileStreamIn = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
ZipInputStream zipInStream = new ZipInputStream(fileStreamIn);
ZipEntry entry = zipInStream.GetNextEntry();
Console.WriteLine("IsCrypted: " + entry.IsCrypted);

There's a simple tutorial on using SharpZipLib on CodeProject . 有一个关于在CodeProject上使用SharpZipLib的简单教程。

Thus a simple implementation looks something like: 因此,一个简单的实现看起来像:

public static bool IsPasswordProtectedZipFile(string path)
    using (FileStream fileStreamIn = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
    using (ZipInputStream zipInStream = new ZipInputStream(fileStreamIn))
        ZipEntry entry = zipInStream.GetNextEntry();
        return entry.IsCrypted;

Note there's no real error handling or anything... 请注意,没有真正的错误处理或任何事情......

In ZIP archives, the password is not placed on the file, but on the individual entries within the file. 在ZIP存档中,密码不会放在文件中,而是放在文件中的各个条目上。 A zip can contain some entries encrypted and some not. zip可以包含一些加密的条目,一些不加密。 Here's some example code to check for encryption on entries in DotNetZip: 以下是检查DotNetZip中条目加密的一些示例代码:

int encryptedEntries = 0;
using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(nameOfZipFile)) 
    // check a specific, named entry: 
    if (zip["nameOfEntry.doc"].UsesEncryption)
       Console.WriteLine("Entry 'nameOfEntry.doc' uses encryption"); 

    // check all entries: 
    foreach (var e in zip)
       if (e.UsesEncryption)
           Console.WriteLine("Entry {0} uses encryption", e.FileName); 

if (encryptedEntries > 0) 
    Console.WriteLine("That zip file uses encryption on {0} entrie(s)", encryptedEntries); 

If you'd prefer, you can use LINQ: 如果您愿意,可以使用LINQ:

private bool ZipUsesEncryption(string archiveToRead)
    using (var zip = ZipFile.Read(archiveToRead))
        var selection = from e in zip.Entries
            where e.UsesEncryption
            select e;

        return selection.Count > 0;

At this point in the .NET Framework maturity you will need to use a 3rd party tool. 在.NET Framework成熟度的这一点上,您将需要使用第三方工具。 There are many commercial libraries that can be Googled. 有很多商业图书馆可以用Google搜索。 I'm suggesting one free one from Microsoft's Codeplex website DotNetZip . 我建议微软的Codeplex网站DotNetZip免费提供一个。 The front page states " the library supports zip passwords ". 首页说明“ 库支持zip密码 ”。

There is no 100% correct way to check if all zip entries is encrypted. 没有100%正确的方法来检查所有zip条目是否已加密。 every entry in a zipfile is independent and could has its own password/encrypted method. zipfile中的每个条目都是独立的,可以有自己的密码/加密方法。

for most cases, zipfile is zipped by some software, these software will ensure every entry in a zipfile has a common password and encrypted method. 对于大多数情况,zipfile是由某些软件压缩的,这些软件将确保zipfile中的每个条目都有一个通用密码和加密方法。

So, using the first zipentry(not a directory) to check if that zipfile is encrypted can cover most cases. 因此,使用第一个zipentry(不是目录)来检查该zipfile是否已加密可以涵盖大多数情况。

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