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[英]iphone default SDK preferences

I Keep building projects and then have to do a find and replace for the automatically commented out copy right information in each page. 我继续构建项目,然后必须查找并替换每个页面中自动注释掉的版权信息。 It gets my name right but then it's puts my day job in as the company at the top of each page. 它的名字正确无误,但随后将我的日常工作放在了公司的每一页顶部。 It's annoying and also a point where my day job employer could claim rights to my off time work. 这很烦人,也是我的临时工雇主可以要求我从事非工作时间的一点。 How do I change this? 我该如何改变? I think it get's it from my registration information? 我认为是从我的注册信息中得到的吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

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