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[英]Setting WPF text to TextBlock

I know that TextBlock can present a FlowDocument , for example: 我知道TextBlock可以呈现FlowDocument ,例如:

<TextBlock Name="txtFont">
     <Run Foreground="Maroon" FontFamily="Courier New" FontSize="24">Courier New 24</Run>

I would like to know how to set a FlowDocument that is stored in a variable to a TextBlock . 我想知道如何将存储在变量中的FlowDocument设置为TextBlock I am looking for something like: 我正在寻找类似的东西:

string text = "<Run Foreground="Maroon" FontFamily="Courier New" FontSize="24">Courier New 24</Run>"
txtFont.Text = text;

However, The result of the code above is that the XAML text is presented unparsed. 但是,上面代码的结果是XAML文本显示为未解析。

EDIT: I guess my question was not clear enough. 编辑:我想我的问题不够明确。 What I'm really trying to achive is: 我真正想要达到的目的是:

  1. The user input some text into a RichTextBox . 用户将一些文本输入到RichTextBox中
  2. The application saves the user input as FlowDocument from the RichTextBox , and serializes it to the disk. 应用程序将用户输入从RichTextBox保存为FlowDocument ,并将其序列化到磁盘。
  3. The FlowDocument is deserialized from the disk to the variable text . FlowDocument从磁盘反序列化为变量文本
  4. Now, I would like to be able to present the user text in a TextBlock . 现在,我希望能够在TextBlock显示用户文本。

Therefore, as far as I understand, creating a new Run object and setting the parameters manually will not solve my problem. 因此,据我所知,创建一个新的Run对象并手动设置参数将无法解决我的问题。

The problem is that serializing RichTextBox creates Section object, which I cannot add to TextBlock.Inlines . 问题是序列化RichTextBox会创建Section对象,我无法将其添加到TextBlock.Inlines Therefore, it is not possible to set the deserialized object to TextProperty of TextBlock . 因此,无法将反序列化的对象设置为TextBlock的 TextProperty

create and add the object as below: 创建并添加对象如下:

        Run run = new Run("Courier New 24");
        run.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Maroon);
        run.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Courier New");
        run.FontSize = 24;

I know that TextBlock can present FlowDocument 我知道TextBlock可以呈现FlowDocument

What makes you think that ? 什么让你有那个想法 ? I don't think it's true... The content of a TextBlock is the Inlines property, which is an InlineCollection . 我不认为这是真的...... TextBlock的内容是Inlines属性,它是一个InlineCollection So it can only contain Inline s... But in a FlowDocument , the content is the Blocks property, which contains instances of Block . 所以它只能包含Inline s ...但是在FlowDocument ,内容是Blocks属性,它包含Block实例。 And a Block is not an Inline 并且Block不是Inline

If your FlowDocument has been deserialized , it means that you have an object of type FlowDocument , right? 如果您的FlowDocument反序列化 ,则意味着您有一个FlowDocument类型的对象,对吧? Try setting the Text property of your TextBlock to this value. 尝试将TextBlock的Text属性设置为此值。 Of course, you cannot do this with txtFont.Text = ... , since this only works for strings. 当然,你不能用txtFont.Text = ...来做到这一点,因为这只适用于字符串。 For other types of objects, you need to set the DependencyProperty directly: 对于其他类型的对象,您需要直接设置DependencyProperty:

txtFont.SetValue(TextBlock.TextProperty, myFlowDocument)

Here is how we are setting the look of a textblock by assigning a style on-the-fly. 以下是我们如何通过动态分配样式来设置文本块的外观。

    // Set Weight (Property setting is a string like "Bold")
    FontWeight thisWeight = (FontWeight)new FontWeightConverter().ConvertFromString(Properties.Settings.Default.DealerMessageFontWeightValue);

    // Set Color (Property setting is a string like "Red" or "Black")
    SolidColorBrush thisColor = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString(Properties.Settings.Default.DealerMessageFontColorValue);

    // Set the style for the dealer message
    // Font Family Property setting  is a string like "Arial"
    // Font Size Property setting is an int like 12, a double would also work
    Style newStyle = new Style
        TargetType = typeof(TextBlock),
        Setters = {
            new Setter 
                Property = Control.FontFamilyProperty,
                Value = new FontFamily(Properties.Settings.Default.DealerMessageFontValue)
            new Setter
                Property = Control.FontSizeProperty,
                Value = Properties.Settings.Default.DealerMessageFontSizeValue
            new Setter
                Property = Control.FontWeightProperty,
                Value = thisWeight
            new Setter
                Property = Control.ForegroundProperty,
                Value = thisColor

    textBlock_DealerMessage.Style = newStyle;

You can eliminate the style section and set properties directly, but we like keeping things bundled in the style to help us organize the look throughout the project. 您可以直接删除样式部分和设置属性,但我们喜欢将样式捆绑在一起以帮助我们整理项目中的外观。

textBlock_DealerMessage.FontWeight = thisWeight;


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