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[英]Debugging PHP-based MVC controller interactively

I'm trying to get indefero working on a webhost I'm running, and the /login URL simply appears to be redirecting back to the main controller. 我正在尝试让indefero在正在运行的Web主机上工作,并且/ login URL似乎只是被重定向回主控制器。 I assume I have a setup issue, and rather than bother the developers, I figure I can blunder through and figure it out. 我以为我遇到了安装问题,并且我认为可以解决这个问题,而不是打扰开发人员。 (I'm somewhat familiar with PHP). (我对PHP有点熟悉)。 What I'm not familiar with, is if there's 我不熟悉的是

A) a comparable option to /bin/sh -x which shows line-by-line results of processing B) an easy way to send URL parameters to the script without modifying it A) / bin / sh -x的类似选项,它逐行显示处理结果B)一种将URL参数发送到脚本而不修改的简便方法

It would be nice to be able to do php5 index.php url=/login to test. 能够进行php5 index.php url = / login进行测试会很好。 Short of that, I'll have to start hacking the old-fashioned way. 除此之外,我将不得不开始采用老式的方式。 :-) Regards. :-) 问候。

You need a to have a PHP extension such as Xdebug setup on your server to do remote debugging of the manner you describe, and have an application or IDE that supports it. 您需要在服务器上具有PHP扩展(例如Xdebug设置)以按照您描述的方式进行远程调试,并具有支持该扩展的应用程序或IDE。 If you have the ability to install this or have it available then you can pick an IDE, but if you're on shared hosting chances are you are out of luck. 如果您有能力安装或可用它,那么您可以选择一个IDE,但是如果您拥有共享的托管机会,那么您就不走运了。

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