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Visual Studio 2010 是否支持 HTML 5?

[英]Will Visual Studio 2010 support HTML 5?

Since Visual Studio 2010 is slated for release in March of 2010 and HTML 5 is now starting to be used even more widely, I would like to know if Visual Studio will ship with HTML 5 templates, standard controls and support for the more common markup?由于 Visual Studio 2010 计划于 2010 年 3 月发布,并且 HTML 5 现在开始得到更广泛的使用,我想知道 Visual Studio 是否会附带 HTML 5 模板、标准控件和对更常见标记的支持?

A definition for support of HTML 5 would be that any new version of Visual Studio should have similar support for code-completion, validation and markup that is currently supported for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 and 1.1.对 HTML 5 支持的定义是,任何新版本的 Visual Studio 都应该对 HTML 4.01 和 XHTML 1.0 和 1.1 目前支持的代码完成、验证和标记具有类似的支持。

Update From the Visual Web Develolper Team Blog:来自 Visual Web Developer 团队博客的更新:

HTML 5 intellisense and validation schema for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Web Developer is for downloading .适用于 Visual Studio 2008 和 Visual Web Developer 的 HTML 5 智能感知和验证架构可供下载 Follow the instructions posted on the page to install the new scheme.按照页面上发布的说明安装新方案。 Seems like the Visual Studio Team will be supporting HTML 5 after all.似乎 Visual Studio 团队毕竟将支持 HTML 5。

February 2011 Update from the Visual Web Developer Team Blog来自 Visual Web Developer 团队博客的 2011 年 2 月更新

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 finally adds some support for HTML5. Visual Studio 2010 SP1 终于添加了一些对 HTML5 的支持。 "The entire HTML5 specification isn't supported but most of the new elements and attributes are. That means you get both intellisense and validation for HTML5 with SP1." “不支持整个 HTML5 规范,但大多数新元素和属性都支持。这意味着您可以同时获得智能感知和对带有 SP1 的 HTML5 的验证。” Read More Here 在这里阅读更多

May 2011 Update from Scott Guthrie's blog 2011 年 5 月 Scott Guthrie 博客的更新

Just this month, Microsoft has pushed out some HTML5 improvements with the ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update .就在本月,微软通过 ASP.NET MVC 3 工具更新推出了一些 HTML5 改进 While the post seems to be very pro MVC, it's nice to see that Visual Studio 2010 now has default templates and intelisense support for HTML5;虽然这篇文章似乎是非常专业的 MVC,但很高兴看到 Visual Studio 2010 现在有默认模板和对 HTML5 的智能感知支持; along with a nice addition of a jQuery script that will give some backwards support for older browsers.加上一个很好的 jQuery 脚本,它将为旧版浏览器提供一些向后支持。

The download from the Web Developer Team blog is for Visual Studio 2008. In order to add schema validation support to Visual Studio 2010 you'll want to make some subtle changes: 从 Web Developer Team 博客下载的内容适用于 Visual Studio 2008。为了向 Visual Studio 2010 添加架构验证支持,您需要进行一些细微的更改:

Add the schema to your 2010 (10.0) folder rather than to your 9.0 folder (duh): So eg change the path in the readme from将架构添加到您的 2010 (10.0) 文件夹而不是您的 9.0 文件夹 (duh):例如,将自述文件中的路径从

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\html


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\html

Second, EDIT the registry file that is appropriate for your Windows bit version, again replacing the 9.0 with 10.0 - for instance for my 64 bit windows the file reads as follows:其次,编辑适合您的 Windows 位版本的注册表文件,再次将 9.0 替换为 10.0 - 例如对于我的 64 位 Windows,该文件如下所示:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Packages\{1B437D20-F8FE-11D2-A6AE-00104BCC7269}\Schemas\Schema 23]
"Friendly Name"="HTML 5"

I think real question is - will Microsoft support HTML5?我认为真正的问题是——微软会支持 HTML5 吗? Multiple places on the internet I found that Microsoft is seriously considering to support HTML5.互联网上的多个地方我发现微软正在认真考虑支持 HTML5。 If that is true, it makes sense to expect VS 2010 to support HTML5.如果这是真的,那么期望 VS 2010 支持 HTML5 是有道理的。

今天刚刚发布: Visual Studio SP1 的 Web 标准更新

You can use this tool from Microsoft Gallery:您可以使用 Microsoft Gallery 中的此工具:

HTML 5 Intellisense and validation schema for Visual Studio 2010 and 2008 适用于 Visual Studio 2010 和 2008 的 HTML 5 Intellisense 和验证架构

If anyone is having trouble getting the HTML 5 schema tool to work in Visual Studio 2010, take a look at this blog post I found which is a great help:如果有人在让 HTML 5 架构工具在 Visual Studio 2010 中工作时遇到问题,请查看我发现的这篇博文,这很有帮助:

raihaniqbal.net - HTML5 Support In Visual Studio 2010 raihaniqbal.net - Visual Studio 2010 中的 HTML5 支持

How can you support something that doesn't exist?你怎么能支持不存在的东西? Something you can't validate against because there's no accepted spec?因为没有公认的规范而无法验证的东西?

Yes they could build in support for the experimental DTD, but they did that with XML/XSLT/XPath and ended up fragmenting XML support for far too long and were attacked for it from all sides.是的,他们可以构建对实验性 DTD 的支持,但他们使用 XML/XSLT/XPath 做到了这一点,最终导致 XML 支持的碎片化太久,并因此受到来自各方的攻击。

Giving that people like Google are now pushing for tags they want just to make supporting Wave easier it's going to be a long time before HTML5 is done, and the "standard" is going to fluctuate and change - so why waste time and resources trying to hit a moving target?考虑到像谷歌这样的人现在正在推动他们想要的标签,只是为了让支持 Wave 更容易,在 HTML5 完成之前还需要很长时间,而且“标准”将会波动和变化——所以为什么要浪费时间和资源来尝试击中移动目标?

A simple answer is yes.一个简单的答案是肯定的。 Visual studio has been working on this from long time. Visual Studio 长期以来一直致力于此。

" How can you support something that doesn't exist? Something you can't validate against because there's no accepted spec? “你怎么能支持不存在的东西?因为没有公认的规范而无法验证的东西?

Yes they could build in support for the experimental DTD, but they did that with XML/XSLT/XPath and ended up fragmenting XML support for far too long and were attacked for it from all sides.是的,他们可以构建对实验性 DTD 的支持,但他们使用 XML/XSLT/XPath 做到了这一点,最终导致 XML 支持的碎片化太久,并因此受到来自各方的攻击。

Giving that people like Google are now pushing for tags they want just to make supporting Wave easier it's going to be a long time before HTML5 is done, and the "standard" is going to fluctuate and change - so why waste time and resources trying to hit a moving target?考虑到像谷歌这样的人现在正在推动他们想要的标签,只是为了让支持 Wave 更容易,在 HTML5 完成之前还需要很长时间,而且“标准”将会波动和变化——所以为什么要浪费时间和资源来尝试击中移动目标? " link text "链接文本

Oh my god!我的天啊! Are you kidding me???你在开玩笑吧??? C++ was used by 1.5 million programmer worldwide before it was standardized.在标准化之前,全球有 150 万程序员使用 C++。 link text In the mid-to-late 90's, 50%+ of all software development was done in C++ before it was standardized in 1998. Even when there was an ANSI C standard, very few compilers actually used that standard without countless ambiguous differences. 链接文本在 90 年代中后期,50% 以上的软件开发是在 1998 年标准化之前用 C++ 完成的。即使有 ANSI C 标准,也很少有编译器真正使用该标准而没有无数模糊的差异。 And don't even get me start on how badly all the browsers have followed the HTML standards!甚至不要让我开始说所有浏览器都遵循 HTML 标准有多糟糕! In fact, still today no two browsers work exacly 100% the same because they still can't follow the HTML or CSS standards that exist now.事实上,今天仍然没有两个浏览器完全 100% 工作,因为它们仍然不能遵循现在存在的 HTML 或 CSS 标准。

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