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如何将现有的 Git 存储库导入另一个?

[英]How to import existing Git repository into another?

I have a Git repository in a folder called XXX , and I have second Git repository called YYY .我在名为XXX的文件夹中有一个 Git 存储库,我有第二个名为YYY 的Git 存储库。

I want to import the XXX repository into the YYY repository as a subdirectory named ZZZ and add all XXX 's change history to YYY .我想将XXX存储库作为名为ZZZ的子目录导入YYY存储库,并将所有XXX的更改历史记录添加到YYY

Folder structure before:之前的文件夹结构:

├── XXX
│   ├── .git
│   └── (project files)
└── YYY
    ├── .git
    └── (project files)

Folder structure after:之后的文件夹结构:

├── .git  <-- This now contains the change history from XXX
├──  ZZZ  <-- This was originally XXX
│    └── (project files)
└──  (project files)

Can this be done, or must I resort to using sub-modules?这可以做到吗,还是我必须求助于使用子模块?

Probably the simplest way would be to pull the XXX stuff into a branch in YYY and then merge it into master:可能最简单的方法是将XXX内容拉入YYY 中的一个分支,然后将其合并到 master 中:


git remote add other /path/to/XXX
git fetch other
git checkout -b ZZZ other/master
mkdir ZZZ
git mv stuff ZZZ/stuff                      # repeat as necessary for each file/dir
git commit -m "Moved stuff to ZZZ"
git checkout master                
git merge ZZZ --allow-unrelated-histories   # should add ZZZ/ to master
git commit
git remote rm other
git branch -d ZZZ                           # to get rid of the extra branch before pushing
git push                                    # if you have a remote, that is

I actually just tried this with a couple of my repos and it works.我实际上只是用我的几个 repos 尝试过这个,它有效。 Unlike Jörg's answer it won't let you continue to use the other repo, but I don't think you specified that anyway.Jörg 的回答不同,它不会让您继续使用其他回购,但我认为您无论如何都没有指定。

Note: Since this was originally written in 2009, git has added the subtree merge mentioned in the answer below.注意:由于这最初是在 2009 年编写的,因此 git 添加了下面答案中提到的子树合并。 I would probably use that method today, although of course this method does still work.我今天可能会使用这种方法,当然这种方法仍然有效。

If you want to retain the exact commit history of the second repository and therefore also retain the ability to easily merge upstream changes in the future then here is the method you want.如果您想保留第二个存储库的确切提交历史,并因此也保留将来轻松合并上游更改的能力,那么这就是您想要的方法。 It results in unmodified history of the subtree being imported into your repo plus one merge commit to move the merged repository to the subdirectory.这会导致子树的未修改历史记录被导入到您的存储库中,再加上一次合并提交以将合并的存储库移动到子目录。

git remote add XXX_remote <path-or-url-to-XXX-repo>
git fetch XXX_remote
git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories XXX_remote/master
git read-tree --prefix=ZZZ/ -u XXX_remote/master
git commit -m "Imported XXX as a subtree."

You can track upstream changes like so:您可以像这样跟踪上游更改:

git pull -s subtree XXX_remote master

Git figures out on its own where the roots are before doing the merge, so you don't need to specify the prefix on subsequent merges. Git 会在进行合并之前自行确定根的位置,因此您无需在后续合并时指定前缀。

The downside is that in the merged history the files are unprefixed (not in a subdirectory).缺点是在合并的历史记录中,文件没有前缀(不在子目录中)。 As a result git log ZZZ/a will show you all the changes (if any) except those in the merged history.因此, git log ZZZ/a将向您显示除合并历史记录中的更改之外的所有更改(如果有)。 You can do:你可以做:

git log --follow -- a

but that won't show the changes other then in the merged history.但这不会显示合并历史记录中的其他更改。

In other words, if you don't change ZZZ 's files in repository XXX , then you need to specify --follow and an unprefixed path.换句话说,如果您不更改存储库XXX ZZZ的文件,则需要指定--follow和不带前缀的路径。 If you change them in both repositories, then you have 2 commands, none of which shows all the changes.如果您在两个存储库中更改它们,那么您有 2 个命令,其中没有一个显示所有更改。

Git versions before 2.9 : You don't need to pass the --allow-unrelated-histories option to git merge . 2.9 之前的 Git 版本:您不需要将--allow-unrelated-histories选项传递给git merge

The method in the other answer that uses read-tree and skips the merge -s ours step is effectively no different than copying the files with cp and committing the result.另一个答案中使用read-tree并跳过merge -s ours步骤的方法实际上与使用 cp 复制文件并提交结果没有什么不同。

Original source was from github's "Subtree Merge" help article .原始来源来自github 的“子树合并”帮助文章 And another useful link . 另一个有用的链接

git-subtree is a script designed for exactly this use case of merging multiple repositories into one while preserving history (and/or splitting history of subtrees, though that seems to be irrelevant to this question). git-subtree是一个脚本,专门用于将多个存储库合并为一个同时保留历史记录(和/或拆分子树的历史记录,尽管这似乎与此问题无关)的用例。 It is distributed as part of the git tree since release 1.7.11 . 自 1.7.11 版以来,它作为 git 树的一部分分发。

To merge a repository <repo> at revision <rev> as subdirectory <prefix> , use git subtree add as follows:要将修订版<rev> <repo>处的存储库<repo>合并为子目录<prefix> ,请使用git subtree add如下:

git subtree add -P <prefix> <repo> <rev>

git-subtree implements the subtree merge strategy in a more user friendly manner. git-subtree 以更加用户友好的方式实现了子树合并策略

For your case, inside repository YYY, you would run:对于您的情况,在存储库 YYY 中,您将运行:

git subtree add -P ZZZ /path/to/XXX.git master

The downside is that in the merged history the files are unprefixed (not in a subdirectory).缺点是在合并的历史记录中,文件没有前缀(不在子目录中)。 As a result git log ZZZ/a will show you all the changes (if any) except those in the merged history.因此, git log ZZZ/a将向您显示除合并历史记录中的更改之外的所有更改(如果有)。 You can do:你可以做:

git log --follow -- a

but that won't show the changes other then in the merged history.但这不会显示合并历史记录中的其他更改。

In other words, if you don't change ZZZ 's files in repository XXX , then you need to specify --follow and an unprefixed path.换句话说,如果您不更改存储库XXX ZZZ的文件,则需要指定--follow和不带前缀的路径。 If you change them in both repositories, then you have 2 commands, none of which shows all the changes.如果您在两个存储库中更改它们,那么您有 2 个命令,其中没有一个显示所有更改。

More on it here .更多关于它在这里

There is a well-known instance of this in the Git repository itself, which is collectively known in the Git community as " the coolest merge ever " (after the subject line Linus Torvalds used in the e-mail to the Git mailinglist which describes this merge).在 Git 存储库本身中有一个众所周知的实例,它在 Git 社区中被统称为“有史以来最酷的合并”(在发送给 Git 邮件列表的电子邮件中使用的主题行 Linus Torvalds 之后,它描述了这一点合并)。 In this case, the gitk Git GUI which now is part of Git proper, actually used to be a separate project.在这种情况下, gitk Git GUI 现在是 Git 的一部分,实际上曾经是一个单独的项目。 Linus managed to merge that repository into the Git repository in a way that Linus 设法以一种方式将该存储库合并到 Git 存储库中

  • it appears in the Git repository as if it had always been developed as part of Git,它出现在 Git 存储库中,就好像它一直是作为 Git 的一部分开发的一样,
  • all the history is kept intact and所有的历史都完好无损
  • it can still be developed independently in its old repository, with changes simply being git pull ed.它仍然可以在其旧存储库中独立开发,更改只需git pull ed。

The e-mail contains the steps needed to reproduce, but it is not for the faint of heart: first, Linus wrote Git, so he probably knows a bit more about it than you or me, and second, this was almost 5 years ago and Git has improved considerably since then, so maybe it is now much easier.该电子邮件包含复制所需的步骤,但它不适合胆小的人:首先,Linus编写了Git,所以他可能比你或我更了解它,其次,这几乎是 5 年前和Git,从那时起相当大的改进,所以也许现在是很容易。

In particular, I guess nowadays one would use a gitk submodule, in that specific case.特别是,我猜现在人们会在那种特定情况下使用 gitk 子模块。

The simple way to do that is to use git format-patch.做到这一点的简单方法是使用 git format-patch。

Assume we have 2 git repositories foo and bar .假设我们有 2 个 git 存储库foobar

foo contains: foo包含:

  • foo.txt foo.txt
  • .git .git

bar contains:酒吧包含:

  • bar.txt栏.txt
  • .git .git

and we want to end-up with foo containing the bar history and these files:并且我们希望以包含条形历史记录和这些文件的foo结束:

  • foo.txt foo.txt
  • .git .git
  • foobar/bar.txt foob​​ar/bar.txt

So to do that:所以要做到这一点:

 1. create a temporary directory eg PATH_YOU_WANT/patch-bar
 2. go in bar directory
 3. git format-patch --root HEAD --no-stat -o PATH_YOU_WANT/patch-bar --src-prefix=a/foobar/ --dst-prefix=b/foobar/
 4. go in foo directory
 5. git am PATH_YOU_WANT/patch-bar/*

And if we want to rewrite all message commits from bar we can do, eg on Linux:如果我们想重写 bar 中的所有消息提交,我们可以这样做,例如在 Linux 上:

git filter-branch --msg-filter 'sed "1s/^/\[bar\] /"' COMMIT_SHA1_OF_THE_PARENT_OF_THE_FIRST_BAR_COMMIT..HEAD

This will add "[bar] " at the beginning of each commit message.这将在每个提交消息的开头添加“[bar]”。

This function will clone remote repo into local repo dir, after merging all commits will be saved, git log will be show the original commits and proper paths:此函数将远程仓库克隆到本地仓库目录,合并后所有提交将被保存, git log将显示原始提交和正确路径:

function git-add-repo
    dir="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\/$//')"

    tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
    remote="$(echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\///g'| sed 's/\./_/g')"

    git clone "$repo" "$tmp"
    cd "$tmp"

    git filter-branch --index-filter '
        git ls-files -s |
        sed "s,\t,&'"$dir"'/," |
        GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" git update-index --index-info &&
        mv "$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" "$GIT_INDEX_FILE"
    ' HEAD

    cd "$path"
    git remote add -f "$remote" "file://$tmp/.git"
    git pull "$remote/master"
    git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge repo $repo into master" --edit "$remote/master"
    git remote remove "$remote"
    rm -rf "$tmp"

How to use:如何使用:

cd current/package
git-add-repo https://github.com/example/example dir/to/save

If make a little changes you can even move files/dirs of merged repo into different paths, for example:如果稍作更改,您甚至可以将合并的 repo 的文件/目录移动到不同的路径中,例如:


tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
remote="$(echo "$tmp" | sed 's/\///g' | sed 's/\./_/g')"

git clone "$repo" "$tmp"
cd "$tmp"


function git-mv-store
    from="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/\./\\./')"
    to="$(echo "$2" | sed 's/\./\\./')"


# NOTICE! This paths used for example! Use yours instead!
git-mv-store 'public/index.php' 'public/admin.php'
git-mv-store 'public/data' 'public/x/_data'
git-mv-store 'public/.htaccess' '.htaccess'
git-mv-store 'core/config' 'config/config'
git-mv-store 'core/defines.php' 'defines/defines.php'
git-mv-store 'README.md' 'doc/README.md'
git-mv-store '.gitignore' 'unneeded/.gitignore'

git filter-branch --index-filter '
    git ls-files -s |
    sed "'"$GIT_ADD_STORED"'" |
    GIT_INDEX_FILE="$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new" git update-index --index-info &&


cd "$path"
git remote add -f "$remote" "file://$tmp/.git"
git pull "$remote/master"
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge repo $repo into master" --edit "$remote/master"
git remote remove "$remote"
rm -rf "$tmp"

Paths replaces via sed , so make sure it moved in proper paths after merging.路径通过sed替换,因此请确保合并后它在正确的路径中移动。
The --allow-unrelated-histories parameter only exists since git >= 2.9. --allow-unrelated-histories参数只存在于 git >= 2.9 之后。

Based on this article , using subtree is what worked for me and only applicable history was transferred.基于这篇文章,使用子树对我有用,并且只传输了适用的历史记录。 Posting here in case anyone needs the steps (make sure to replace the placeholders with values applicable to you):如果有人需要这些步骤,请在此处发布(确保将占位符替换为适用于您的值):

in your source repository split subfolder into a new branch在您的源存储库中将子文件夹拆分为一个新分支

git subtree split --prefix=<source-path-to-merge> -b subtree-split-result

in your destination repo merge in the split result branch在您的目标回购中合并拆分结果分支

git remote add merge-source-repo <path-to-your-source-repository>
git fetch merge-source-repo
git merge -s ours --no-commit merge-source-repo/subtree-split-result
git read-tree --prefix=<destination-path-to-merge-into> -u merge-source-repo/subtree-split-result

verify your changes and commit验证您的更改并提交

git status
git commit

Don't forget to不要忘记

Clean up by deleting the subtree-split-result branch通过删除subtree-split-result分支进行清理

git branch -D subtree-split-result

Remove the remote you added to fetch the data from source repo删除您添加的遥控器以从源存储库中获取数据

git remote rm merge-source-repo

Let me use names a (in place of XXX and ZZZ ) and b (in place of YYY ), since that makes the description a bit easier to read.让我使用名称a (代替XXXZZZ )和b (代替YYY ),因为这使描述更容易阅读。

Say you want to merge repository a into b (I'm assuming they're located alongside one another):假设您想将存储库a合并到b (我假设它们彼此并排放置):

cd a
git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter a
cd ..
cd b
git remote add a ../a
git fetch a
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories a/master
git remote remove a

For this you need git-filter-repo installed ( filter-branch is discouraged ).为此,您需要安装git-filter-repo不鼓励使用filter-branch )。

An example of merging 2 big repositories, putting one of them into a subdirectory:https://gist.github.com/x-yuri/9890ab1079cf4357d6f269d073fd9731合并 2 个大型存储库,将其中一个放入子目录的示例:https ://gist.github.com/x-yuri/9890ab1079cf4357d6f269d073fd9731

More on ithere .更多关于它在这里

Adding another answer as I think this is a bit simpler.添加另一个答案,因为我认为这更简单一些。 A pull of repo_dest is done into repo_to_import and then a push --set-upstream url:repo_dest master is done.将 repo_dest 拉入 repo_to_import,然后推送 --set-upstream url:repo_dest master 完成。

This method has worked for me importing several smaller repos into a bigger one.这种方法对我有用,可以将几个较小的存储库导入一个更大的存储库。

How to import: repo1_to_import to repo_dest如何导入:repo1_to_import 到 repo_dest

# checkout your repo1_to_import if you don't have it already 
git clone url:repo1_to_import repo1_to_import
cd repo1_to_import

# now. pull all of repo_dest
git pull url:repo_dest
git status # shows Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by xx commits.
# now push to repo_dest
git push --set-upstream url:repo_dest master

# repeat for other repositories you want to import

Rename or move files and dirs into desired position in original repo before you do the import.在执行导入之前,将文件和目录重命名或移动到原始存储库中的所需位置。 eg例如

cd repo1_to_import
mkdir topDir
git add topDir
git mv this that and the other topDir/
git commit -m"move things into topDir in preparation for exporting into new repo"
# now do the pull and push to import

The method described at the following link inspired this answer.以下链接中描述的方法启发了这个答案。 I liked it as it seemed more simple.我喜欢它,因为它看起来更简单。 BUT Beware!但要小心! There be dragons!有龙! https://help.github.com/articles/importing-an-external-git-repository git push --mirror url:repo_dest pushes your local repo history and state to remote (url:repo_dest). https://help.github.com/articles/importing-an-external-git-repository git push --mirror url:repo_dest将你的本地git push --mirror url:repo_dest历史和状态推送到远程(url:repo_dest)。 BUT it deletes the old history and state of the remote.但它会删除遥控器的旧历史和状态。 Fun ensues!乐趣随之而来! :-E :-E

I wanted to import only some files from the other repository (XXX) in my case.在我的情况下,我只想从其他存储库 (XXX) 导入一些文件。 The subtree was too complicated for me and the other solutions didn't work.子树对我来说太复杂了,其他解决方案不起作用。 This is what I did:这就是我所做的:

ALL_COMMITS=$(git log --reverse --pretty=format:%H -- ZZZ | tr '\n' ' ')

This gives you a space-separated list of all the commits that affect the files I wanted to import (ZZZ) in reverse order (you might have to add --follow to capture renames as well).这为您提供了一个以空格分隔的所有提交列表,这些提交会以相反的顺序影响我想要导入的文件 (ZZZ)(您可能还必须添加 --follow 以捕获重命名)。 I then went into the target repository (YYY), added the other repository (XXX) as remote, did a fetch from it and finally:然后我进入目标存储库(YYY),将另一个存储库(XXX)添加为远程存储库,从中获取数据,最后:

git cherry-pick $ALL_COMMITS

which adds all the commits to your branch, you'll thus have all the files with their history and can do whatever you want with them as if they've always been in this repository.它将所有提交添加到您的分支,因此您将拥有所有文件及其历史记录,并且可以对它们做任何您想做的事情,就好像它们一直在这个存储库中一样。

See Basic example inthis article and consider such mapping on repositories:请参阅本文中的基本示例并考虑在存储库上进行此类映射:

  • A <-> YYY , A <-> YYY
  • B <-> XXX B <-> XXX

After all activity described in this chapter (after merging), remove branch B-master :在本章中描述的所有活动之后(合并后),删除分支B-master

$ git branch -d B-master

Then, push changes.然后,推送更改。

It works for me.这个对我有用。

I was in a situation where I was looking for -s theirs but of course, this strategy doesn't exist.我当时正在寻找-s theirs但当然,这种策略不存在。 My history was that I had forked a project on GitHub, and now for some reason, my local master could not be merged with upstream/master although I had made no local changes to this branch.我的历史是我在 GitHub 上 fork 了一个项目,现在由于某种原因,尽管我没有对这个分支进行本地更改,但我的本地master无法与upstream/master合并。 (Really don't know what happened there -- I guess upstream had done some dirty pushes behind the scenes, maybe?) (真的不知道那里发生了什么——我猜上游在幕后做了一些肮脏的推动,也许?)

What I ended up doing was我最终做的是

# as per https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
# Lots of conflicts, ended up just abandonging this approach
git reset --hard   # Ditch failed merge
git checkout upstream/master
# Now in detached state
git branch -d master # !
git checkout -b master   # create new master from upstream/master

So now my master is again in sync with upstream/master (and you could repeat the above for any other branch you also want to sync similarly).所以现在我的master再次与upstream/master同步(你可以对任何其他你也想类似同​​步的分支重复上述操作)。

I can suggest another solution (alternative to git-submodules ) for your problem - gil (git links) tool我可以为您的问题建议另一种解决方案(替代git-submodules ) - gil (git links) 工具

It allows to describe and manage complex git repositories dependencies.它允许描述和管理复杂的 git 存储库依赖项。

Also it provides a solution to the git recursive submodules dependency problem .它还为git recursive submodules 依赖问题提供了解决方案。

Consider you have the following project dependencies: sample git repository dependency graph考虑您有以下项目依赖项:示例 git 存储库依赖项图

Then you can define .gitlinks file with repositories relation description:然后您可以使用存储库关系描述定义.gitlinks文件:

# Projects
CppBenchmark CppBenchmark https://github.com/chronoxor/CppBenchmark.git master
CppCommon CppCommon https://github.com/chronoxor/CppCommon.git master
CppLogging CppLogging https://github.com/chronoxor/CppLogging.git master

# Modules
Catch2 modules/Catch2 https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git master
cpp-optparse modules/cpp-optparse https://github.com/weisslj/cpp-optparse.git master
fmt modules/fmt https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git master
HdrHistogram modules/HdrHistogram https://github.com/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram_c.git master
zlib modules/zlib https://github.com/madler/zlib.git master

# Scripts
build scripts/build https://github.com/chronoxor/CppBuildScripts.git master
cmake scripts/cmake https://github.com/chronoxor/CppCMakeScripts.git master

Each line describe git link in the following format:每行以以下格式描述 git link:

  1. Unique name of the repository存储库的唯一名称
  2. Relative path of the repository (started from the path of .gitlinks file)仓库相对路径(从.gitlinks文件路径开始)
  3. Git repository which will be used in git clone command Repository branch to checkout将在 git clone 命令 Repository 分支中使用的 Git 存储库以进行检出
  4. Empty line or line started with # are not parsed (treated as comment).不解析空行或以 # 开头的行(视为注释)。

Finally you have to update your root sample repository:最后,您必须更新您的根示例存储库:

# Clone and link all git links dependencies from .gitlinks file
gil clone
gil link

# The same result with a single command
gil update

As the result you'll clone all required projects and link them to each other in a proper way.因此,您将克隆所有必需的项目并以适当的方式将它们相互链接。

If you want to commit all changes in some repository with all changes in child linked repositories you can do it with a single command:如果您想提交某个存储库中的所有更改以及子链接存储库中的所有更改,您可以使用单个命令来完成:

gil commit -a -m "Some big update"

Pull, push commands works in a similar way:拉、推命令的工作方式类似:

gil pull
gil push

Gil (git links) tool supports the following commands: Gil (git links) 工具支持以下命令:

usage: gil command arguments
Supported commands:
    help - show this help
    context - command will show the current git link context of the current directory
    clone - clone all repositories that are missed in the current context
    link - link all repositories that are missed in the current context
    update - clone and link in a single operation
    pull - pull all repositories in the current directory
    push - push all repositories in the current directory
    commit - commit all repositories in the current directory

More about git recursive submodules dependency problem .更多关于git recursive submodules 依赖问题

Here is the script that will work right of the bat.这是将在蝙蝠右侧工作的脚本。

#!/bin/bash -xe
# script name: merge-repo.sh
# To merge repositories into the current.
# To see the log of the new repo use 'git log --follow -- unprefixed-filename'
# So if the file is repo/test.cpp use 'git log --follow -- test.cpp'
# I'm not sure how this will work when two files have the same name.
# `git branch -a` will show newly created branches.
# You can delete them if you want.
merge_another() {
    repo="$1" # url of the remote repo
    rn="$2"   # new name of the repo, you can keep the same name as well.
    git remote add ${rn} ${repo}
    git fetch ${rn}
    git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories ${rn}/master
    git read-tree --prefix=${rn}/ -u ${rn}/master
    git commit -m "Imported ${rn} as a subtree."
    git pull -s subtree ${rn} master

merge_another $1 $2

To run the script.运行脚本。 Go to the repo where you want the other repo to be merged, and run the script.转到要合并其他存储库的存储库,然后运行脚本。

cd base-repo
./merge-repo.sh git@github.com:username/repo-to-be-merged.git repo-to-be-merged-new-name

To push:推:

git push origin master

Don't have enough rep to add a comment to x-yuri's answer, but it works beautifully and preserves history.没有足够的代表来为 x-yuri 的答案添加评论,但它运行良好并保留了历史。 I was working with two working local repo's and received this error:我正在使用两个工作本地存储库并收到此错误:

Aborting: Refusing to destructively overwrite repo history since this does not look like a fresh clone.中止:拒绝破坏性地覆盖 repo 历史,因为这看起来不像一个新的克隆。 (expected freshly packed repo) Please operate on a fresh clone instead. (预计新包装的回购)请改为在新的克隆上操作。 If you want to proceed anyway, use --force.如果您仍想继续,请使用 --force。

Rather than worry about the implications of the --force flag, I cloned the repo locally first with:与其担心--force标志的含义,我首先在本地克隆了 repo:

cd tempDir
git clone <location of repo to be merged> --no-local

and used this freshly cloned copy for the series of commands that x-yuri laid out.并将这个新克隆的副本用于 x-yuri 布置的一系列命令。 Lastly, in: git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter a , a is the name you are giving to the root folder for the repo that you will be importing.最后,在: git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter aa是您为要导入的存储库的根文件夹指定的名称。

I don't know of an easy way to do that.我不知道有什么简单的方法可以做到这一点。 You COULD do this:你可以这样做:

  1. Use git filter-branch to add a ZZZ super-directory on the XXX repository使用 git filter-branch 在 XXX 仓库中添加 ZZZ 超级目录
  2. Push the new branch to the YYY repository将新分支推送到 YYY 存储库
  3. Merge the pushed branch with YYY's trunk.将推送的分支与 YYY 的主干合并。

I can edit with details if that sounds appealing.如果这听起来很吸引人,我可以编辑细节。

I think you can do this using 'git mv' and 'git pull'.我认为你可以使用“git mv”和“git pull”来做到这一点。

I'm a fair git noob - so be careful with your main repository - but I just tried this in a temp dir and it seems to work.我是一个公平的 git noob - 所以要小心你的主存储库 - 但我只是在临时目录中尝试过这个,它似乎有效。

First - rename the structure of XXX to match how you want it to look when it's within YYY:首先 - 重命名 XXX 的结构以匹配您希望它在 YYY 内时的外观:

cd XXX
mkdir tmp
git mv ZZZ tmp/ZZZ
git mv tmp ZZZ

Now XXX looks like this:现在 XXX 看起来像这样:

 |- ZZZ
     |- ZZZ

Now use 'git pull' to fetch the changes across:现在使用“git pull”来获取更改:

cd ../YYY
git pull ../XXX

Now YYY looks like this:现在 YYY 看起来像这样:

 |- ZZZ
     |- ZZZ
 |- (other folders that already were in YYY)

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