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[英]How to provide has_many through association through 3 models?

I hope someone has already experienced this. 我希望有人已经经历过。 Please help me, how can i solve this problem: 请帮助我,我该如何解决这个问题:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :author
  belongs_to :publisher
  has_one :address, :through => :publisher

class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :articles
  has_many :addresses, :through => :articles, :source => :address

I try to get "addresses" for "author", and i get this error in console: 我尝试获取“作者”的“地址”,并且在控制台中收到此错误:

ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughSourceAssociationMacroError: Invalid source reflection macro :has_one :through for has_many :addresses, :through => :articles.  Use :source to specify the source reflection.

but author.articles[0].address works fine. 但是author.articles[0].address工作正常。

I hope you give me advice, how can i solve it. 希望您能给我建议,我该如何解决。 Thanks. 谢谢。

AR does not like sourcing a has_many through a has_one . AR不喜欢通过has_one获取has_many But you can easily get all the addresses with this method on Author : 但是您可以使用Author上的此方法轻松获取所有地址:

def addresses
  articles.map {|article| article.address }

This solution also worked well for different relation types. 此解决方案也适用于不同的关系类型。

eg User.registrations.join_table.periods 例如User.registrations.join_table.periods

but you -can't- apply active_record methods on what is mapped. 但是您-无法-在映射的内容上应用active_record方法。

eg user.periods(:order => :date) eg user.periods.model etc.. 例如user.periods(:order =>:date)例如user.periods.model等。

thanks 谢谢

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