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[英]how authenticate username /password of https site using php application?

How to check the username or password of the some https site is correct or not using PHP Application. 如何使用PHP应用程序检查某些https站点的用户名或密码是否正确。 ie my application is www.somesite.com i want to login if the user enter valid username password of the some https site. 即我的应用程序是www.somesite.com,如果用户输入某个https网站的有效用户名密码,我想登录。

Regards, 问候,

Salil Gaikwad 萨里尔·盖克瓦德(Salil Gaikwad)

there is no relation between the both : https is a protocol and to make your connection between your web server and your clients encrypted you should buy a certificates once you did this you can authenticate your clients in the way you like and using the language you like (PHP in your case ) because you connection is already encrypted 两者之间没有关系:https是一种协议 ,为了使您的Web服务器与客户端之间的连接加密,您应该购买证书后才能以自己喜欢的方式并使用喜欢的语言对客户端进行身份验证(以您的情况为PHP),因为您的连接已经加密

if you need to know about PHP authentication check this out 如果您需要了解PHP身份验证, 请查看

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