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[英]get key value pairs from xml using linq

How can i extract key value pairs from this xml example using linq: 如何使用linq从此xml示例中提取键值对:

<add key="key1" Value="val1"/>
<add key="key2" Value="val2"/>
<add key="key3" Value="val3"/>

Try this: 尝试这个:

string text = "<foo>...</foo>";
var pairs = XDocument.Parse(text)
                     .Select(x => new { Key = x.Attribute("key").Value,
                                        Value = x.Attribute("Value").Value })
XDocument fooXML = new XDocument.Load("foo.xml")
var query = from a in fooXML.Element("foo").Elements("add")
            select new
                key = a.Attribute("key").Value,
                val = a.Attribute("Value").Value
// Then do what you want with the query...

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