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[英]Debugging a DLL from VS2008 in VC6

I am currently debugging a project in VC6 (slowly porting it over to VS2008). 我目前正在VC6中调试项目(将其缓慢移植到VS2008)。 The project links to a DLL that I have produced in VS2008 with a Debug build. 该项目链接到我在VS2008中使用调试版本生成的DLL。 (I know - a strange situation to find myself in.) I need to debug the project in VC6 and step into the calls to the DLL. (我知道,这很奇怪。)我需要在VC6中调试该项目,并进入对DLL的调用。 Even though I have the PDB alongside the DLL, VC6 still reports there is no symbolic info for the DLL when it loads it. 即使我在DLL旁边有PDB,VC6仍然报告在加载DLL时没有符号信息。 Does anyone know why? 有人知道为什么吗? Is the PDB from VS2008 not loadable by VC6? VS6是否可以加载VS2008中的PDB? Any ideas gratefully received... 感谢收到任何想法...

The short answer you can't. 简短的答案,你做不到。 The PDBs are not backwards compatible with earlier version of Visual studio. PDB与Visual Studio的早期版本不向后兼容。

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