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[英]Array.each outputs all methods

Why would... 为什么会...

for(var k in this.errors) {
            bottom: new Element('li').update(k + ' :'+this.errors[k])

...output put all Prototype enumerable methods, plus what I've added to the array? ...输出放置了所有Prototype可枚举的方法,以及我添加到数组中的内容?

I'm building an associative array: 我正在建立一个关联数组:

this.errors['email'] = 'Your email is invalid';

您需要使用“ hasOwnProperty”来防止这种情况。

You may prevent this using hasOwnProperty : 您可以使用hasOwnProperty来防止这种情况:

for(var k in this.errors) {
    if (this.errors.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
            bottom: new Element('li').update(k + ' :'+this.errors[k])

Try this: 尝试这个:

$H(this.errors).each(function(error) {
        bottom: new Element('li').update(error.key + ': ' + error.value)

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