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使用Asp.net MVC1还是MVC 2?

[英]Use Asp.net MVC1 or MVC 2?

A project is due to be started and finished by the end of the year. 一个项目将在今年年底开始和完成。 It's for internal company use, will be entirely done by a single developer(me). 仅供公司内部使用,完全由一个开发人员(我)完成。 I intend to make use of data annotations(via Stephen Walther ) and xVal for the first time. 我打算第一次使用数据注释(通过Stephen Walther )和xVal

It's a 2-3 page web app to collect defect information. 这是一个2-3页的Web应用程序,用于收集缺陷信息。 It was started in asp.net without a master page, and would be far better off with one for consistency. 它是在没有母版页的asp.net中启动的,因此最好使用它来保持一致性。 The model layer was developed as a separate project in its own assembly. 模型层是作为独立项目单独开发的。 The existing solution feeds in fake data and saves to memory only, so the persistance layer is not present yet. 现有解决方案将输入伪数据并仅保存到内存,因此持久层尚不存在。

Is it safe to jump into asp.net MVC2? 跳到asp.net MVC2是否安全? Or do I need to stick to mvc 1 for some reason? 还是出于某些原因我需要坚持使用mvc 1?

While Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 does come with a "go live" license, neither it nor MVC2 are actually 'ready' for production use. 尽管Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2确实具有“上线”许可证,但实际上它和MVC2都不“准备就绪”供生产使用。 Building things with MVC1 now and later upgrading to MVC2 shouldn't be all that difficult, and since it's an internal project, it might actually be better if all of your developers have not gotten up to speed on VS2010. 现在使用MVC1进行构建并随后升级到MVC2并不是那么困难,并且由于它是一个内部项目,如果您所有的开发人员都没有赶上VS2010的速度,那么实际上可能会更好。

If there is no pushing technical reason to goto MVC2, I'd say just stick to version 1 for now. 如果没有推动MVC2的技术原因,我想说的只是暂时坚持使用版本1。

Have fun with the new project, it's a rare thing to have happen in the corporate world. 享受新项目带来的乐趣,这在企业界很少发生。

I started with Asp.Net MVC 1 by version ctp 2 for a production site, it worked great, no bugs or anything, but there was quite a pain when a new version of Asp.Net MVC was released as they seldom were backward compatible. 我从ctp 2版本的生产站点开始使用Asp.Net MVC 1,它运行良好,没有任何错误或其他任何内容,但是当发布新版本的Asp.Net MVC时,由于它们很少向后兼容,这让他们非常痛苦。

Many new shiny things which are available in MVC 2 are possible to get via Asp.Net MVC Futures and MvcContrib. 通过Asp.Net MVC Futures和MvcContrib,可以获取MVC 2中提供的许多新功能。

We did something similar in the past. 我们过去做过类似的事情。 Started with MVC beta and moved to MVC 1 prior to release. 从MVC Beta开始,并在发行前移至MVC 1。

Good luck! 祝好运!

I was debating this myself for a little. 我自己在争论了一下。 The thing that kept me to MVC 1 atm is all the other libraries that I use. 使我无法使用MVC 1 atm的是我使用的所有其他库。 I don't know what state everything is at in supporting MVC 2, but that is definitely what tipped the decision to stay with MVC 1. 我不知道支持MVC 2的一切状态,但这绝对是决定保留MVC 1的原因。

For an MVC 1 project a while back I did a similar thing with data annotations and jQuery Validate. 对于前一个MVC 1项目,我对数据注释和jQuery Validate做过类似的事情。 So you can always roll your own. 因此,您始终可以自己滚动。


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