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[英]how do you serialize HTML in C#?

how do you serialize HTML in C#? 如何在C#中序列化HTML?

I think I know how to use XSD.exe to create C# classes from XML that can be used with the XmlSerializer class to serialize and verify the XML document. 我想我知道如何使用XSD.exe从XML创建C#类,该类可以与XmlSerializer类一起使用以序列化和验证XML文档。

Is there a way to do the same sort of thing with an HTML document? 有没有办法用HTML文档做同样的事情? I have tried but the xsd command line says that the remote name www.w3.org cannot be resolved. 我已经尝试过,但是xsd命令行说无法解析远程名称www.w3.org。

At a minimum, is there a way to use C# to find out if an HTML file is valid? 至少,有没有一种方法可以使用C#来确定HTML文件是否有效?

The HTMLAgilityPack is an open source library that parses HTML easily for you. HTMLAgilityPack是一个开源库,可以为您轻松解析HTML。 You can then search/manipulate the structure of the document quite easily. 然后,您可以非常轻松地搜索/操作文档的结构。

It's quite forgiving with the HTML you provide it, so I'm not sure if it's a good way of checking that if you've got a strict xHTML valid document. 您提供的HTML非常宽容,因此我不确定这是否是检查您是否拥有严格的xHTML有效文档的好方法。 But it should be able to parse anything a modern browser can. 但是它应该能够解析现代浏览器可以执行的任何操作。

If it's XHTML that you're trying to validate, you can do it like this: 如果您要验证的是XHTML,则可以这样操作:

static void validate(string filename)
    XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
    settings.ProhibitDtd = false;
    settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.DTD;
    settings.ValidationEventHandler +=
        new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationCallBack);
    settings.XmlResolver = new XhtmlUrlResolver();

    // Create the XmlReader object.
    XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename, settings);

    // Parse the file. 
    while (reader.Read()) ;

// Display any validation errors.
private static void ValidationCallBack(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Validation Error: {0}", e.Message);

It will be a bit slow because it's downloading the schema files from the W3C web site. 这会有点慢,因为它是从W3C网站下载架构文件的。

To deserialize/parse HTML, I would also recommend HTMLAgilityPack. 要反序列化/解析HTML,我还建议使用HTMLAgilityPack。 However, to validate the HTML, you could try running HTML Tidy . 但是,要验证HTML,您可以尝试运行HTML Tidy For XHTML, however, you can obtain an XSD. 但是,对于XHTML,您可以获得XSD。

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