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[英]Process monitoring

Is there an application that is capable of monitoring AND logging information (to file) about another process (in particular IIS aspnet_wp.exe) like (in periods of time): - memory usage of process - cpu usage 是否有一个应用程序能够监视和记录有关另一个进程(特别是IIS aspnet_wp.exe)的信息(到文件)(在一段时间内):-进程的内存使用情况-cpu的使用情况

Or maybe there is another way to monitor IIS process? 也许还有另一种方法来监视IIS进程?

Thanks Pawel 谢谢帕维尔

You can check Process Monitor from Microsoft. 您可以从Microsoft检查Process Monitor

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. Process Monitor是Windows的高级监视工具,可显示实时文件系统,注册表和进程/线程活动。 It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file , and much more. 它结合了两个旧的Sysinternals实用程序Filemon和Regmon的功能,并添加了广泛的增强功能列表,包括丰富的和非破坏性的过滤,全面的事件属性(例如会话ID和用户名),可靠的过程信息,具有集成符号支持的完整线程堆栈对于每个操作,同时记录到文件中 ,等等。

一种选择是“进程资源管理器” http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx

You might want to look at the ANTS Performance and Memory Profilers from Red Gate . 您可能需要查看Red Gate的ANTS性能和内存分析器。 I'm using their memory profiler to track down some memory issues as I write this. 在撰写本文时,我正在使用他们的内存事件探查器来跟踪一些内存问题。

Pretty much any monitoring system or framework that allows custom checks is capable of this. 几乎任何允许自定义检查的监视系统或框架都可以做到这一点。 You write your check and just put an extra line in it to post/print/put something to a file of your choice. 您写了支票,只是在其中加了一行,以便将某些内容过帐/打印/放入您选择的文件中。

I for example use sensu for which I wright custom checks in ruby. 例如,我使用了sensu,我为此定制了检查红宝石的方法。

So I can easily do something like 所以我可以轻松地做类似的事情

if %x[{ping]}
  %x[{ print ‘all is well’ > syslog]}

and similar to that you can do for most other monitoring systems like Nagios etc. 类似于您可以对大多数其他监视系统(如Nagios等)执行的操作。

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