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[英]Distributed Application Environment and Web Services - What/How to learn?

I want to learn how to create distributed application environments and web services using spring, aspectj, hibernate, etc. rather than EJBs. 我想学习如何使用spring,aspectj,hibernate等而不是EJB创建分布式应用程序环境和Web服务。

  1. Can anyone recommend a book or set of books that can help me (a single all-in-one book would be preferable)? 谁能推荐一本书或一套可以帮助我的书(最好是一本多合一书)?

  2. Also, any advice regarding learning/creating distributed app environments and web services is appreciated. 此外,任何有关学习/创建分布式应用程序环境和Web服务的建议均应受到赞赏。

I've been teaching myself Spring, Hibernate, and Maven over the past few weeks and here are a few tips. 在过去的几周中,我一直在自学Spring,Hibernate和Maven,以下是一些技巧。

In my experience, it was too overwhelming to try to start building a program using everything (hibernate, spring, aspectj) all at once. 以我的经验,尝试一次使用所有内容(休眠,春季,aspectj)来构建程序实在是太压倒性的。 Instead, I've been having success writing small, simple programs. 相反,我已经成功地编写了小型,简单的程序。 For example, first I wrote a simple program that only uses Spring DI. 例如,首先我编写了一个仅使用Spring DI的简单程序。 Next, I wrote one that uses Spring DI + Spring DAO and jdbc. 接下来,我编写了一个使用Spring DI + Spring DAO和jdbc的代码。 Next, I wrote a project using only hibernate to save and list some users from a database with phone numbers, ect. 接下来,我编写了一个仅使用休眠模式保存和列出数据库中具有电话号码等用户的项目。 And just recently I combined the Spring DAO code with the Hibernate code to write a simple program that uses both Spring DAO + Hibernate. 最近,我将Spring DAO代码与Hibernate代码结合在一起,编写了一个同时使用Spring DAO + Hibernate的简单程序。

Here are the books I've read and I've been very satisfied so far: 这是我读过的书,到目前为止我一直很满意:

  • For maven, google "maven book" and read the free online book. 对于行家,谷歌“行家书”,并阅读免费的在线书。
  • For hibernate, I recommend Beginning Hibernate: From Novice to Professional 对于休眠,我建议开始休眠:从新手到专业人员
  • For Spring, I recommend Spring in Action . 对于Spring,我建议使用Spring in Action Spring in Action explains Spring Aspect Oriented Programming and gives an intro to AspectJ. Spring in Action解释了Spring面向方面的编程,并介绍了AspectJ。 Once you understand Spring AOP, it seems pretty easy to dig further into AspectJ. 一旦了解了Spring AOP,就可以很容易地深入到AspectJ中。

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