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[英]AutoCompletion with the editor

I find that the autocompletion capability with the programming editor is a mixed blessing. 我发现编程编辑器的自动完成功能是好运。 Sometimes it anticipates correctly, or, when multiple choices might come from what is already typed, it advances to the next logical point, and typing the next expected letter moves it in the right direction. 有时它会正确预期,或者当已经输入的内容可能有多种选择时,它会前进到下一个逻辑点,而键入下一个预期的字母会朝正确的方向移动。 Reaaly sweet when it works right. 当它正常工作时,再甜一点。

However, it often creates the wrong key word and advances all the way to the end, forcing a backspacing process that certainly doesn't add to the coding efficiency. 但是,它通常会产生错误的关键字,并一直前进到最后,从而强制执行退格过程,这肯定不会增加编码效率。 Is there any way to back space word-by-word, or return the cursor to the point from which it jumped forward? 有什么方法可以逐字退格,或将光标返回到其跳起的位置吗? That would certainly help. 那肯定会有所帮助。

Thanks in advance for any help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

John Doner 约翰·多纳

To backspace word by word try [Ctrl] + [Backspace] 要逐字退格,请尝试[Ctrl] + [Backspace]

You can also use [Ctrl] + arrows, [Ctrl] + [Shift] + arrows to respectively move and select word by word 您还可以使用[Ctrl] +箭头,[Ctrl] + [Shift] +箭头分别移动和选择单词

Ctrl + Backspace Ctrl + 退格键

In most editors, it backspaces a logical word, using camelCase or under_score notation. 在大多数编辑器中,它使用camelCase或under_score表示法将逻辑词后退。

You can also use Ctrl + Left and Ctrl + Right to jump the cursor around a word a time. 您还可以使用Ctrl +向左键Ctrl +向右键一次使光标在单词周围跳转。

As Utaal mentioned, you can use Control+Backspace. 如Utaal所述,您可以使用Control + Backspace。 Also, in most editors with autocomplete you can hit "escape" before autocomplete has actually selected an entry to cancel it altogether. 同样,在大多数具有自动完成功能的编辑器中,您可以在自动完成功能实际选择一个条目将其完全取消之前点击“转义”。


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