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如何将 std::wstring 转换为 TCHAR*?

[英]How to convert std::wstring to a TCHAR*?

How to convert a std::wstring to a TCHAR* ?如何将std::wstring转换为TCHAR* std::wstring.c_str() does not work since it returns a wchar_t* . std::wstring.c_str()不起作用,因为它返回wchar_t*

How do I get from wchar_t* to TCHAR* , or from std::wstring to TCHAR* ?我如何从wchar_t*TCHAR* ,或从std::wstringTCHAR*

use this :用这个 :

wstring str1(L"Hello world");
TCHAR * v1 = (wchar_t *)str1.c_str();
#include <atlconv.h>

TCHAR *dst = W2T(src.c_str());

Will do the right thing in ANSI or Unicode builds.将在 ANSI 或 Unicode 构建中做正确的事情。

TCHAR* is defined to be wchar_t* if UNICODE is defined, otherwise it's char*.如果定义了 UNICODE,则 TCHAR* 定义为 wchar_t*,否则为 char*。 So your code might look something like this:所以你的代码可能看起来像这样:

wchar_t* src;
TCHAR* result;
#ifdef UNICODE
result = src;
//I think W2A is defined in atlbase.h, and it returns a stack-allocated var.
//If that's not OK, look at the documenation for wcstombs.
result = W2A(src);

in general this is not possible since wchar_t may not be the same size as TCHAR.通常这是不可能的,因为 wchar_t 可能与 TCHAR 的大小不同。

several solutions are already listed for converting between character sets.已经列出了几种用于在字符集之间转换的解决方案。 these can work if the character sets overlap for the range being converted.如果字符集与正在转换的范围重叠,这些可以工作。

I prefer to sidestep the issue entirely wherever possible and use a standard string that is defined on the TCHAR character set as follows:我更喜欢尽可能完全回避这个问题,并使用在 TCHAR 字符集上定义的标准字符串,如下所示:

typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tstring;

using this you now have a standard library compatible string that is also compatible with the windows TCHAR macro.使用它,您现在拥有一个与 windows TCHAR 宏兼容的标准库兼容字符串。

You can use:您可以使用:

wstring ws = L"Testing123";
string s(ws.begin(), ws.end());
// s.c_str() is what you're after

Assuming that you are operating on Windows.假设您在 Windows 上操作。

If you are in Unicode build configuration, then TCHAR and wchar_t are the same thing.如果您使用 Unicode 构建配置,那么TCHARwchar_t是一回事。 You might need a cast depending on whether you have /Z set for wchar_t is a type versus wchar_t is a typedef.您可能需要转换,具体取决于您是否为wchar_t设置了 /Z 类型,而 wchar_t 是类型定义。

If you are in a multibyte build configuration, you need MultiByteToWideChar (and vica versa).如果您处于多字节构建配置中,则需要MultiByteToWideChar (反之亦然)。

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