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[英]Controlling visibility of html controls using databinding

I'm trying to control whether or not some <td> elements are rendered or not using databinding and runat="server" : 我试图控制是否使用数据绑定和runat="server"渲染某些<td>元素:

<td runat="server" visible="<%# this.SomeBool %>"><tr>Hello world!</tr></td>

The trouble is that the SomeBool property just isnt being called. 麻烦的是SomeBool属性只是不被调用。

If I explicitly set visible to false, like this: 如果我将visible显式设置为false,则如下所示:

<td runat="server" visible="False"><tr>Hello world!</tr></td>

Then all is well and the element is not rendered. 然后一切都很好,并且不呈现该元素。

How do I get this databinding to work? 如何使此数据绑定起作用?

The reason why my method wasnt being called was because the DataBind() method on my page wasn't being invoked - even just putting the following into the page somewhere did nothing: 之所以没有调用我的方法,是因为没有调用页面上的DataBind()方法-甚至只是将以下内容放入页面中也没有执行任何操作:

<%# "Hello world" %>

I had to add a call to this.DataBind() to the top of my page: 我必须在页面顶部添加对this.DataBind()的调用:

<%@ Page ... %>
<% this.DataBind(); %>

And everyting then worked as expected. 然后一切都按预期工作。


<td <%# this.SomeBool ? "" : "style=\\"display:none;\\"" %>><tr>Hello world!</tr></td>

Try single quotes around the <% %> tags: 尝试在<%%>标记周围使用单引号:

<tr runat="server" visible='<%# this.SomeBool %>'><td>Hello world!</td></tr>

Sergio's idea looks neat, too. 塞尔吉奥的想法看起来也很整洁。

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