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PowerShell脚本 - 如何处理已执行命令的结果

[英]PowerShell script - How to process result of executed command

I have a small script that copies files to a list of remote machines. 我有一个小文件,可以将文件复制到远程计算机列表中。 In this script I use: 在这个脚本中我使用:

Copy-Item "$AppLocation\\$AppName" -destination "\\\\$MachineName\\c$\\" -force

This can throw various types of errors. 这可能会引发各种类型的错误。 If this throws an error, I want to log the error to a file and then continue. 如果这会引发错误,我想将错误记录到文件然后继续。 My question is that I'd like to know what would be the right way to find out if the Copy-Item command was successful. 我的问题是,我想知道什么是找出Copy-Item命令是否成功的正确方法。

Next question is related: 下一个问题是相关的:

psexec \\\\$MachineName -u $RemoteLogin -p $Remotepassword -s -i -d C:\\$AppName

What would be a good way to find out how this command executed? 找出这个命令是如何执行的好方法是什么? I get a message in the console that it exited with 0 but I have no idea how I could get the return code into a local variable. 我在控制台中收到一条消息,它以0退出,但我不知道如何将返回码转换为局部变量。

I can also use this: 我也可以用这个:
(Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $MachineName -List | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "Win32_Product"}).Install("C:\\$AppName","","false")
which works fine, but still, no idea how to find out if it succeeded unless I read the output. 哪个工作正常,但仍然不知道如何成功,除非我读取输出。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Use Try and catch as follow 使用Try和catch如下

Write-Host "Finished OK"
Catch [system.exception]
    Write-Host "Finished with Error"
    Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString()
    exit -1

Concerning the first part of your question, you can use 关于问题的第一部分,您可以使用

Copy-Item ... -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable yourVariable

Error action tells the cmdlet what to do if case of error , ErrorVariable will put any error in the variable of your choice ($yourVariable in the exemple). 错误操作告诉cmdlet如果出现错误,该怎么办,ErrorVariable会在您选择的变量中放入任何错误(例如$ yourVariable)。

$? $? automatic variable contains the execution status of the last operation. automatic变量包含上一次操作的执行状态。 If it's false, just check the content of $yourVariable to know what went wrong and do whatever you want with it (like write it in a file in your case). 如果它是假的,只需检查$ yourVariable的内容,知道出了什么问题,并用它做任何你想做的事情(比如在你的情况下把它写在一个文件中)。

You can also use 你也可以使用

Copy-Item ... -ErrorAction Continue 2> [pathToLogFile]

This will redirect the error stream of the cmdlet to a file of your choice... 这会将cmdlet的错误流重定向到您选择的文件...

Concerning the second part of your question : $LASTEXITCODE contains the return code of your last executable. 关于问题的第二部分:$ LASTEXITCODE包含上一个可执行文件的返回码。

Have you considered using the remoting capabilities of Powershell 2 for more control ? 您是否考虑过使用Powershell 2的远程处理功能来进行更多控制?

Hope it helps 希望能帮助到你

Cédric 塞德里克

There's a lot to your questions. 你的问题有很多。

Here's something I've done to read results from console apps like psexec: 这是我从psexec等控制台应用程序中读取结果时所做的一切:

[System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo]$info = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $info.WorkingDirectory = "C:\"
    $info.UseShellExecute = $false
    $info.RedirectStandardOutput = $true 
    $info.CreateNoWindow = $true
    [System.Diagnostics.Process]$proc = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($info)

    if (($proc -ne $null) -and ($proc.id -ne 0)) { [void]$proc.WaitForExit($timeOutMs); }

Note, that that's untested code, but it came from something that works and I just did a little editing for simplicity. 请注意,这是未经测试的代码,但它来自可行的东西,我只是为了简单而做了一些编辑。

Now, you can process the text output of psexec and handle accordingly. 现在,您可以处理psexec的文本输出并相应地处理。

I use a powershell script to delete old files. 我使用powershell脚本删除旧文件。 This outputs a message to the screen, which could just as easily write a message to the event log. 这会向屏幕输出一条消息,这可以很容易地将消息写入事件日志。 Details here . 细节在这里

Writing to the event log can be done with the Write-EventLog command. 可以使用Write-EventLog命令写入事件日志。 Good details about that on MSDN and TechNet . 关于MSDNTechNet的详细信息。 Loads of information comes up in the search engines for this too. 搜索引擎中也出现了大量信息。


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