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快速更改菜单样式或在jQuery .each迭代器内传递参数

[英]Change Menu Styling on fly or pass a param inside jQuery .each iterator

I have a bunch of menu links and want to change their style on click - say you click "about" and it becomes bold and red. 我有一堆菜单链接,并且想在单击时更改其样式-说您单击“关于”,它会变成粗体和红色。 I select the items and bind click event to them: 我选择项目并将click事件绑定到它们:

$("#nav_menu > *").bind("click",function(){doTrigger(this.id);});

this way I pass the ID of the clicked item to doTrigger . 这样,我将单击项的ID传递给doTrigger

Ok. 好。 Now in doTrigger I am trying to iterate through the items and change their styles: all to style1 and clicked to style2 for example. 现在,在doTrigger我尝试遍历所有项目并更改其样式:例如全部更改为style1并单击为style2 The problem is that: 问题是:

$("#nav_menu > *").each(function(){;});

will not let me pass the id of the clicked item. 不会让我传递点击项的ID。

I think there should be a less complicated way of getting what I need. 我认为应该有一种不太复杂的方式来获取我所需要的东西。 Besides, I think I am lost, too. 此外,我想我也迷路了。

the function passed to $.each() in doTrigger() runs in the context of and thus has access to variables in doTrigger() - you don't need to pass anything 传递给函数$.each()doTrigger()中的上下文中运行,因此访问变量doTrigger() -你不需要通过任何

function doTrigger(id) {
   $("#nav_menu > *").each(function(){ /* you can access var id in here */ ;});

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

$("#nav_menu > *").bind("click",function(){ $("#nav_menu > *").attr('class', 'class1'); $(this).attr('class', 'class2'); });

This resets all children to class1 when an item is clicked, and then only that item is class2 . 单击某个项目时,这会将所有子级重置为class1 ,然后只有该项目为class2

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