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[英]What is the correct usage of arrayWithContentsOfURL?

This is a bit basic; 这有点基本; I am trying to retrieve http data for an iPhone app. 我正在尝试检索iPhone应用程序的http数据。

I have www.myhost.com/test.html that reads 我有www.myhost.com/test.html


Then I have 然后我有

NSURL *baseURL = [NSURLRLWithString:@"http://www.myhost.com/test.html"];
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:baseURL];
NSLog(@"%@", [array description]);

Which keeps returning (null). 哪个继续返回(null)。 What am I missing? 我错过了什么? Thanks! 谢谢!

It should probably be in a complete plist format (with doctype and all that) 它应该是一个完整的plist格式(使用doctype和所有)

The man page 手册页

easiest way to create a proper plist is with "Property List Editor.app" 创建合适的plist的最简单方法是使用“Property List Editor.app”

on a side note: NSLog(@"%@", [array description]); 旁注: NSLog(@"%@", [array description]); is the same as NSLog(@"%@", array); NSLog(@"%@", array);相同NSLog(@"%@", array);

The arrayWithContentsOfURL documentation clearly states that arrayWithContentsOfURL文档清楚地说明了这一点

The array representation at the location identified by aURL must contain only property list objects (NSString, NSData, NSArray, or NSDictionary objects). 由aURL标识的位置处的数组表示必须仅包含属性列表对象(NSString,NSData,NSArray或NSDictionary对象)。

That is, the kind of objects that you would obtain by calling the writeToURL:atomically method. 也就是说,通过调用writeToURL:atomically方法获得的对象类型。 The location written by this method can be used to initialize a new array with the class method arrayWithContentsOfURL: or the instance method initWithContentsOfURL: . 此方法写入的位置可用于使用类方法arrayWithContentsOfURL:或实例方法initWithContentsOfURL:初始化新数组。 Therefore, I suggest using these standard methods for writing and reading your arrays from an URL, instead of writing your own file and trying to read it by arrayWithContentsOfURL: . 因此,我建议使用这些标准方法从URL写入和读取数组,而不是编写自己的文件并尝试通过arrayWithContentsOfURL:读取它arrayWithContentsOfURL:

One additional discovery I made, is that if you are trying to build the list on the fly, to be served over the web rather than coming from a static file you create with the plist editor you must escape the strings. 我做的另一个发现是,如果你试图动态构建列表,通过网络提供而不是来自你使用plist编辑器创建的静态文件,你必须逃避字符串。 If the document you has any xml errors in it your array will not load. 如果文档中有任何xml错误,则无法加载数组。 For example I had an & in some of my strings, and was still getting an empty array until I escaped the string and replaced & with &amp; 例如,我有一个&在我的一些字符串中,并且仍然得到一个空数组,直到我转义字符串并替换&与&amp;

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