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[英]wpf - thick client or thin client and what about when wcf comes in to play with SOA!

I usually work on web apps or faceless apps with the occasional winforms utility so I'm in need of some help to clarify my understanding of WPF and terminology. 我通常使用偶尔的winforms实用程序来处理Web应用程序或不露面的应用程序,因此我需要一些帮助来阐明我对WPF和术语的理解。

I would term ASP.NET apps as "thin client" apps because apart from some javascript the bulk of the applications work is done on the server. 我将ASP.NET应用程序称为“瘦客户端”应用程序,因为除了一些JavaScript外,大部分应用程序工作都在服务器上完成。 In the same way I would view a WPF app (apart from a stand alone XAML app) as "thick client" as all the business logic is executed on the client machine. 以同样的方式,我将WPF应用程序(独立的XAML应用程序除外)视为“胖客户端”,因为所有业务逻辑都在客户端计算机上执行。 So my first question is whether this a correct understanding of ASP.NET and WPF's places in the world? 因此,我的第一个问题是,这是否正确理解了ASP.NET和WPF在世界上的位置?

My second question is. 我的第二个问题是。 Say you wanted to centralise things into a service oriented architecture via WCF webservices so that ASP.NET OR WPF could access common functionality via web services that live on a server somewhere else. 假设您想通过WCF Web服务将事物集中到面向服务的体系结构中,以便ASP.NET或WPF可以通过位于其他地方的服务器上的Web服务访问公用功能。 Could you start viewing WPF as a thin client in that soley provides the (rich UI) to interact with business logic encapsualted on webservices on another server? 您是否可以开始将WPF视为瘦客户端,因为soley提供了(丰富的UI)来与封装在另一台服务器上的Web服务上的业务逻辑进行交互?

One of the cool things about WPF is that you can choose whether to implement it as: 关于WPF的一件很酷的事情是,您可以选择是否将其实现为:

  • a thick client on your user's PC, or 用户PC上的胖客户端,或者
  • as a thin client hosted in your (IE) browser. 作为(IE)浏览器中托管的瘦客户端。

In either event, you can hook up to your WCF services to provide the data layer for your application. 无论哪种情况,您都可以连接WCF服务以为应用程序提供数据层。

Also, as a side note, if you choose the client-application route, there is a technology called Click-Once that allows you to centralise the deployment of that client to your user-base... 另外,作为旁注,如果您选择客户端应用程序路由,则有一种称为Click-Once的技术,该技术可让您将客户端的部署集中到用户库中。

Hope this helps :) 希望这可以帮助 :)

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