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flexbuilder3中的flex4 sdk,调试器部分起作用

[英]flex4 sdk in flexbuilder3, debugger partially works

If I changed used in one of my project sdk to current sdk4 beta, set breakpoint and stop on them every occurrences of mx.* packages are labeled "[no source]". 如果我将其中一个项目sdk中的使用更改为当前的sdk4 beta,则设置断点并在每次出现mx。*软件包时都在它们上停止。这些软件包被标记为“ [无源]”。 Is known any trick to fix this issue? 已知有任何技巧可以解决此问题吗?

Not sure why Flex Builder isn't figuring it out by itself, but you can manually set the source path of any swc on the library path (you have to do this for each project): 不知道为什么Flex Builder不能自己解决问题,但是您可以在库路径上手动设置任何swc的源路径(必须对每个项目都这样做):

  • Right-click on the project, Properties 右键单击项目的属性
  • Flex Build Path property page Flex构建路径属性页面
  • Library Path tab 库路径选项卡
  • Expand the "Flex 4.0" node at the top, then expand the swc that you want to attach source to 展开顶部的“ Flex 4.0”节点,然后展开要将源附加到的swc
  • Double-click the "Source attachment" line, and specify the root dir of the source, eg C:\\...\\mysdk\\frameworks\\projects\\framework\\src 双击“源附件”行,然后指定源的根目录,例如C:\\...\\mysdk\\frameworks\\projects\\framework\\src

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