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[英]Personal Internet use monitoring

How could a (Windows) desktop application be created to monitor the amount of time spent on a particular website? 如何创建(Windows)桌面应用程序以监视在特定网站上花费的时间?

My first idea was to play with the Host file to intercept requests, log, and proxy. 我的第一个想法是使用Host文件来拦截请求,日志和代理。 This feels a bit clunky; 感觉有点笨拙。 and I suspect my program would look like malware. 我怀疑我的程序看起来像恶意软件。

I feel like there is a smarter way? 我觉得有更聪明的方法吗? Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

There is a tool similar to what you are looking for called K-9 Web Protection . 有一个与您正在寻找的工具类似的工具K-9 Web Protection It is more used for parents to monitor what their kids are up to when hooked up to the internet. 家长可以通过它监视孩子上网后的活动。 I have installed this for my niece's computer with good results and praises as it blocks, content filter, restrict internet times. 我为侄女的计算机安装了此软件,效果很好,受到好评,因为它阻止了内容过滤器并限制了上网时间。 This may be OTT for your needs but worth a shot as you can see what sites were visited. 这也许可以满足您的需求,但值得一试,因为您可以看到访问了哪些网站。

The other, is to use a dedicated firewall monitoring solution such as IPCOP which is a Linux based distribution with a sole purpose in providing a proxy, stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall, Intrusion Detection System (IDS). 另一种方法是使用专用的防火墙监视解决方案,例如IPCOP ,它是基于Linux的发行版,其唯一目的是提供代理,有状态包检查(SPI)防火墙,入侵检测系统(IDS)。

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom. 希望这对您有所帮助,汤姆,谢谢。

您可以通过netstat监视活动连接来完成此操作,或者,如果需要更多高级数据,可以安装Windows Packet Capture库并获取有关网络使用的任何数据,然后在桌面应用程序中查找与“花费时间”相关的网络流量。在网站上(可能只是您的GET请求,但我不知道),并根据需要记录各种统计信息。


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