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[英]How to access a standard-library module in Python when there is a local module with the same name?

How can a standard-library module (say math) be accessed when a file prog.py is placed in the same directory as a local module with the same name (math.py)? 当文件prog.py与具有相同名称的本地模块(math.py)放在同一目录中时,如何访问标准库模块(比如数学)?

I'm asking this question because I would like to create a package uncertainties that one can use as 我问这个问题是因为我想创建一个可以用作的包uncertainties

import uncertainties
from uncertainties.math import *

Thus, there is a local math module inside the uncertainties directory. 因此,不确定性目录中有一个本地数学模块。 The problem is that I want to access the standard library math module from uncertainties/__init__.py. 问题是我想从不确定性/ __ init__.py访问标准库数学模块。

I prefer not to rename uncertainties.math because this module is precisely intended to replace functions from the math module (with equivalents that handle numerical uncertainties). 我不想重命名不确定性。因为这个模块正是用于替换数学模块中的函数(具有处理数值不确定性的等价物)。

PS: this question pertains to the module I wrote for performing calculations with uncertainties while taking into account correlations between variables. PS:这个问题与我为执行不确定性计算而编写的模块有关,同时考虑了变量之间的相关性。

You are looking for Absolute/Relative imports from PEP 328 , available with 2.5 and upward . 您正在寻找PEP 328的绝对/相对进口, 2.5及以上可供选择。

In Python 2.5, you can switch import's behaviour to absolute imports using a from __future__ import absolute_import directive. 在Python 2.5中,您可以使用from __future__ import absolute_import指令将导入行为切换为绝对导入。 This absolute- import behaviour will become the default in a future version (probably Python 2.7). 这种绝对导入行为将成为未来版本(可能是Python 2.7)的默认行为。 Once absolute imports are the default, import math will always find the standard library's version. 一旦绝对导入是默认导入,导入数学将始终找到标准库的版本。 It's suggested that users should begin using absolute imports as much as possible, so it's preferable to begin writing from pkg import string in your code. 建议用户应尽可能多地开始使用绝对导入,因此最好从代码中的pkg import string开始编写。

Relative imports are still possible by adding a leading period to the module name when using the from ... import form: 使用from ... import表单时,通过向模块名称添加前导句点仍然可以进行相对导入:

from __future__ import absolute_import
# Import uncertainties.math
from . import math as local_math
import math as sys_math

Why can't you rename your local module again? 为什么不能再次重命名本地模块?

Clearly, it's not a "total" replacement, if you still need things from the installed uncertainties . 显然,如果您仍然需要安装的uncertainties ,那么它不是“全部”替代品。

Since it's a partial replacement, you should not give it the same name. 由于它是部分替换,因此您不应该使用相同的名称。

What's different? 有什么不同? What's the same? 有什么相同的? Pick a better name based on that. 根据它选择一个更好的名称。

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