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[英]how to compare two arrays of objects

i have an object called Person . 我有一个名为Person的对象。 It has properties First, Last, Age , etc . 它有First,Last,Age等属性。 . .

I have two arrays of Person objects. 我有两个Person对象数组。

I want to have some function to take two arrays 我想要一些函数来获取两个数组

Person[] firstlist =  . .
Person[] secondList =  . . 

and have it spit out two new arrays 让它吐出两个新阵列

Person[] peopleinFirstListandNotSecond
Person[] peopleinSecondListandNotFirst

Since these are not string arrays, i would want to do a compare on first and last name and age to determine if its the same person 由于这些不是字符串数组,我希望对名字和姓氏进行比较以确定它是否是同一个人

Here is a linq function ( IEnumerable<T>.Except(...) ) that will do what you need. 这是一个linq函数( IEnumerable<T>.Except(...) ), IEnumerable<T>.Except(...)你的需要。

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb336390.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb336390.aspx

You could write a comparer (implement the IEqualityComparer interface ) then use it with the Except extension method, as other posters have noted. 您可以编写一个比较器(实现IEqualityComparer接口 ),然后将其与Except扩展方法一起使用,正如其他海报所述。

Or, you could just do the comparison within the lambda eg 或者,您可以在lambda中进行比较,例如

var peopleinFirstListAndNotSecond =     
    Where( p => 
            !secondList.Any( s => 
                s.Age == p.Age && 
                s.FirstName == p.FirstName && 
                s.SecondName == p.SecondName

实现IComparable(参见SO:IComparable和Equals ),然后遍历每个列表,构建所需的两个输出列表。

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