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Windows 7 Pro 64位下的Android SDK安装程序

[英]Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

The short version of my issue at hand, 我手头的问题的简短版本,

  • Windows 7 Professional x64 Windows 7专业版x64
  • Java JDK 1.6.0_17 x64 Java JDK 1.6.0_17 x64
  • Eclipse Galileo w\\ADT Plugin installed 安装了Eclipse Galileo w \\ ADT插件
  • Android SDKtools r04 Android SDKtools r04

Since the Android SDK download now only includes the tools, you have to run the included SDK Manager application (SDK Setup) through which you can download the platforms, additional tools, docs,etc. 由于Android SDK下载现在仅包含这些工具,因此您必须运行随附的SDK Manager应用程序(SDK安装程序),您可以通过该应用程序下载平台,其他工具,文档等。

Under my current configuration SDK Setup bombs on launch, so, I can't do anything since I do not have a single platform to start writing against...I've read a few places that the fix is "just install the 32 bit JDK and all will be well" that seems surprising and disappointing option for a work around(downloading it now to try). 在我目前的配置SDK安装炸弹启动,所以,我不能做任何事情,因为我没有一个平台开始写反对...我读了一些地方修复是“只是安装32位JDK和所有人都会很好“这似乎令人惊讶和令人失望的解决方案(现在下载它尝试)。

My question is this, anyone else run into this same issue and how did you get past it? 我的问题是,其他任何人遇到同样的问题,你是如何克服它的? Is there a place I can "download by hand" the components I need that I missed on the Android SDK site ? 有没有一个地方我可以“手动下载”我需要的组件,我在Android SDK网站上错过了?

Odds are pretty good that the 32 bit "fix" will work, but that seems wrong that I'll have to install a secondary version of the same SDK/JRE just to run this tool and to download the actual Android SDK components 32位“修复”可以使用的几率非常好,但是为了运行这个工具并下载实际的Android SDK组件,我必须安装相同SDK / JRE的辅助版本似乎是错误的。

Thanks! 谢谢!

UPDATE: Well, the work around that requires you to also install 32 bit java and referencing that as your JAVA_HOME worked, either by calling the SDK setup manually or through eclipse. 更新:嗯,解决这个问题需要你安装32位java并引用它作为你的JAVA_HOME工作,通过手动或通过eclipse调用SDK设置。 I'm not particularly happy with that, so I'll leave this one open for the time being in case there are other ways to get this done that people may know about. 我对此并不特别满意,所以我会暂时保持这个状态,以防万一有其他方法可以让人们知道这件事。

UPDATE 2: Not directly related since it is Linux centric, but there are troubleshooting steps if trying to run the SDK/Eclipse under Linux 64bit where they reference the need to be able to run 32 bit, but nothing similar under windows x64 更新2:没有直接相关,因为它是以Linux为中心的,但如果尝试在Linux 64bit下运行SDK / Eclipse ,它们引用需要能够运行32位,但在Windows x64下没有类似的东西,有故障排除步骤

FINAL UPDATE (?) Taking the info Seth's answer gave me, and running the bat manually(once I knew what file SDK Setup was running) the answer for me was simply adding ANDROID_SWT path variable that pointed to a valid location with the x86_64 swt.jar....the android sdk directory had one, seemingly in the right place, but it couldn't find it until I added that to my path. 最后更新(?)获取信息Seth的答案给了我,并手动运行蝙蝠(一旦我知道SDK安装程序正在运行),我的答案就是添加ANDROID_SWT路径变量,指向x86_64 swt的有效位置。 jar .... android sdk目录中有一个,看似在正确的位置,但是直到我将它添加到我的路径中才能找到它。

Thanks All! 谢谢大家!

When it says JDK not found, just press 'back' button and then press again 'next' button.. 如果没有找到JDK,只需按“后退”按钮然后再按“下一步”按钮。

I got this from the bottom of this post: http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/ 我从这篇文章的底部得到了这个: http//codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/

Found a solution that modifies the android.bat to allow you to start and run the android sdk and avd manager on the x64 jdk. 找到一个修改android.bat的解决方案,允许你在x64 jdk上启动并运行android sdk和avd manager。 So far I've been able to start it updating, but I don't know what other implications running the emulator and compiling against the x64 jdk will have. 到目前为止,我已经能够开始更新,但我不知道运行模拟器的其他影响以及针对x64 jdk进行编译会有什么影响。

http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=3917 http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=3917

good luck. 祝好运。

My situation:: Win 7 x64 JDK 1.6.23 (x64) running installer_r08-windows to install Android SDK failed to detect JDK 我的情况:: Win 7 x64 JDK 1.6.23(x64)运行installer_r08-windows安装Android SDK无法检测到JDK

Solution is in http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/ 解决方案在http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/


只需按下后退按钮然后按下按钮... jdk找到:D

If SDK Setup.exe fails, please try to open a command-prompt and run "tools\\android.bat" manually. 如果SDK Setup.exe失败,请尝试打开命令提示符并手动运行“tools \\ android.bat”。 That's all what SDK Setup does, however the current version has a bug in that it doesn't display errors that the batch might output: 这就是SDK安装程序的功能,但是当前版本有一个错误,因为它不会显示批处理可能输出的错误:

 > cd <your-sdk>\tools
 > android.bat

That way you may see a more useful error message. 这样您可能会看到更有用的错误消息。

You must have a java.exe on your %PATH%. 您的%PATH%上必须有一个java.exe。

The following solution was implemented because recently our IDE stopped compiling and building [refresh or clean] on the standard Eclipse IDE for Java Developers version. 实现了以下解决方案,因为最近我们的IDE停止在标准Eclipse IDE for Java Developers版本上编译和构建[refresh或clean]。 We kept receiving the error "Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it." 我们一直收到错误“您的项目包含错误,请在运行之前修复它”。 We reviewed all errors, cleaned over and over, rebuilt and even created a new workspace and imported the files however nothing worked. 我们审查了所有错误,一遍又一遍地清理,重建甚至创建了一个新工作区并导入了文件,但没有任何效果。 Our product manager Johnpaul, found the error with in the compiled build path and even though it was a manual fix it would come back on the next refresh or rebuild so he recommended we back-up our work-space and do a complete re-install of the developers environment. 我们的产品经理Johnpaul在编译的构建路径中发现了错误,即使它是手动修复,它也会在下次刷新或重建时返回,所以他建议我们备份我们的工作空间并完成重新安装开发者环境。

We made the switch as a recommendation we found from: http://knol.google.com/k/fred-grott/which-eclipse-package-for-android/166jfml0mowlh/18#report-comment-166jfml0mowlh.7wc65w 我们根据以下建议进行了转换: http//knol.google.com/k/fred-grott/which-eclipse-package-for-android/166jfml0mowlh/18#report-comment-166jfml0mowlh.7wc65w

We now use the Eclipse IDE [Indigo]for Java and Report Developers Windows 64 Bit without a problem. 我们现在使用Eclipse IDE [Indigo] for Java和Report Developers Windows 64 Bit而没有任何问题。

After the IDE broke we downloaded: IDE破解后我们下载了:

  • Java Developer Environment with jdk-6u26-windows-x64 使用jdk-6u26-windows-x64的Java Developer Environment
  • Eclipse Indigo IDE for Java and Report Developers Windows 64 Bit Eclipse Indigo IDE for Java和Report Developers Windows 64 Bit
  • Android SDK Tools installer_r13-windows Android SDK工具installer_r13-windows

We then: 然后我们:

  • Disconnected from the internet 与互联网断开连接
  • Disabled all Anti-virus programs 禁用所有防病毒程序
  • Disabled our Firewalls 禁用我们的防火墙

Next we: 接下来我们:

  • Uninstalled our SDK via the Eclipse IDE line by line, 通过Eclipse IDE逐行卸载我们的SDK,
  • Updated [installed] our Java Developer Environment with jdk-6u26-windows-x64 使用jdk-6u26-windows-x64更新了[安装]我们的Java Developer Environment
  • Unpacked and over wrote Eclipse with the new Indigo "Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers" 使用新的Indigo“Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers”解压缩并编写Eclipse

Windows 64 Bit Windows 64位

  • List item 项目清单
  • Turned our anti-virus back on and connected to the internet 将我们的反病毒重新打开并连接到互联网
  • Reinstalled Android SDK Tools installer_r13-windows 重新安装了Android SDK Tools installer_r13-windows

We kept all of the default preferences and now everything is working perfectly again. 我们保留了所有默认首选项,现在一切都恢复正常。 Actually better as the rewrite also solved a few problems with our app not working on some devices. 实际上更好,因为重写也解决了我们的应用程序无法在某些设备上工作的一些问题。 No idea as to why but we aren't complaining. 不知道为什么,但我们不抱怨。 Hope this helps as it is not a true install however a reinstall for Fall 2011 in a Windows 7 64 bit environment. 希望这有帮助,因为它不是真正的安装,而是在Windows 7 64位环境中重新安装2011年秋季。

To answer your question about downloading files by hand, you can extract the relevant URLs from the SDK Manager's repository manifest: 要回答有关手动下载文件的问题,您可以从SDK Manager的存储库清单中提取相关的URL:

https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml

My problem was installing the Android SDK in Eclipse Helios on Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit, I was getting the following error: 我的问题是在Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit上的Eclipse Helios中安装Android SDK,我收到以下错误:

Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 0.9.7.v201005071157-36220 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 0.9.7.v201005071157-36220) requires 'org.eclipse.jdt.junit 0.0.0' but it could not be found 缺少要求:Android开发工具0.9.7.v201005071157-36220(com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 0.9.7.v201005071157-36220)需要'org.eclipse.jdt.junit 0.0.0'但它无法找到

Having followed the advice above to ensure that the JDK was in my PATH variable (it wasn't), installation went smoothly. 按照上面的建议确保JDK在我的PATH变量中(它不是),安装顺利进行。 I guess the error was somewhat spurious (incidentally if you're looking for the JARs that correspond to that class, they were in my profile rather than the Eclipse installation directory) 我猜这个错误有些杂乱(顺便说一下,如果你正在寻找与那个类相对应的JAR,它们在我的配置文件而不是Eclipse安装目录中)

So, check that PATH variable! 所以,检查PATH变量!

You can enable the Android SDK installer to run on Windows x64 with JDK x64 installed, by exporting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit registry key, adding Wow6432Node to all registry keys in the exported file and reimporting it back (should show in regedit as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit as well). 您可以通过导出HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit注册表项,将Wow6432Node添加到导出文件中的所有注册表项并重新导入(在regedit中显示),使Android SDK安装程序能够在安装了JDK x64的Windows x64上运行作为HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit以及)。

Note I have both x64 and x86 JRE installed. 注意我安装了x64和x86 JRE。 If you have only x64 JRE, you might have to export the whole HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft registry key and reimport it under Wow6432Node. 如果您只有x64 JRE,则可能必须导出整个HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft注册表项并在Wow6432Node下重新导入它。 Although, I believe that the Android SDK installer just checks the JDK registry key. 虽然,我相信Android SDK安装程序只检查JDK注册表项。


Windows 7 isn't a supported platform as far as I know. 据我所知,Windows 7不是受支持的平台。 I use the SDK on 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10 and it works fine, though I did have to install the ia32libs or libcurses bombed every time. 我在64位Ubuntu 9.10上使用SDK并且它工作正常,但我每次都必须安装ia32libs或libcurses。 That was Eclipse related. 这与Eclipse有关。

The SDK sys reqs makes it clear whatever platform you run, you must be able to run 32-bit code. SDK sys reqs清楚地表明您运行的任何平台,您必须能够运行32位代码。

I managed to run the SDK Setup by adding the location of the Java JDK to the system path. 我设法通过将Java JDK的位置添加到系统路径来运行SDK安装程序。 so far so good. 到现在为止还挺好。

This blog shows how to update the registry so the Android SDK can find your Java SDK on a 64-bit machine. 此博客显示如何更新注册表,以便Android SDK可以在64位计算机上找到您的Java SDK。

http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/ http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/

I tried this registry change with no success (though many others have said it works) http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/ 我尝试了这个注册表更改没有成功(虽然许多其他人说它有效) http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/

I download the .zip version and used SDK Manager.exe in the end. 我下载了.zip版本并最终使用了SDK Manager.exe。

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