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[英]Sorting technique followed by TreeMap?


They aren't; 他们不是。 TreeMap uses a red-black tree to manage the data, and this tree implicitly keeps the data sorted. TreeMap使用一棵红黑树来管理数据,该树隐式地保持数据的排序。 All that the iterator has to do is to traverse the nodes. 迭代器要做的就是遍历节点。


If the TreeMap stores objects that implement the Comparable interface (and String does) than it uses the .compareTo method to compare individual Strings and determine the sort order. 如果TreeMap存储实现Comparable接口(而String则实现)的对象,则它使用.compareTo方法比较单个String并确定排序顺序。

On the other hand you can provide a Comparator when constructing the TreeMap, and it will use that object to compare objects and determine the sort order. 另一方面,在构造TreeMap时可以提供一个Comparator,它将使用该对象比较对象并确定排序顺序。 You can use Comparators to compare objects that do not implement Comparable, or enforce a different sorting strategy. 您可以使用比较器来比较未实现“可比较”的对象,或强制执行其他排序策略。 For example, the String.compareTo method performs case-sensitive comparison, but you could provide the String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER comparator which would result in case-insensitive sorting. 例如,String.compareTo方法执行区分大小写的比较,但是您可以提供String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER比较器,这将导致不区分大小写的排序。

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