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ASP.NET MVC 的路由调试器

[英]Route debugger for ASP.NET MVC

Is there a Route debugger for ASP.NET MVC out there?是否有适用于 ASP.NET MVC 的路由调试器? If so, where do I find it?如果是这样,我在哪里可以找到它?

Phil Haack 在他的博客上有一个路由调试器

codeplex 有一个用于 vs2010 的路由调试器可视化工具。

All the prior information is outdated the configuration links no longer work for example.例如,所有先前的信息都已过时,配置链接不再有效。

Refer to Scott Hanselman's Blog for Glimpse https://www.hanselman.com/blog/IfYoureNotUsingGlimpseWithASPNETForDebuggingAndProfilingYoureMissingOut.aspx请参阅 Scott Hanselman 的博客以了解Glimpse https://www.hanselman.com/blog/IfYoureNotUsingGlimpseWithASPNETForDebuggingAndProfilingYoureMissingOut.aspx

Install with Nuget:使用 Nuget 安装:

Install-Package Glimpse

or with MVC5 for example:或以 MVC5 为例:

Install-Package Glimpse.MVC5

Then go to configuration page (can be different if in web config) Look for url Glimpse.axd.然后转到配置页面(如果在 web 配置中可能会有所不同)查找 url Glimpse.axd。

Then go to the url to:然后转到网址:

https://localhost:<your port>/Glimpse.axd

The documentation links may be out of date but the github repo has the most information: https://github.com/glimpse/glimpse文档链接可能已过时,但 github 存储库的信息最多: https : //github.com/glimpse/glimpse

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