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.htaccess 301重定向不起作用

[英].htaccess 301 redirect not working

I have a basic CMS in PHP/MySQL where content managers can create pages to the system for public viewing. 我在PHP / MySQL中有一个基本的CMS,内容管理员可以在其中创建系统页面供公众查看。 Each page is then available at an url such as http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=123 Now, I want to redirect requests to http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=123 to http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=456 . 然后,每个页面都位于URL处,例如http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=123现在,我想将请求重定向到http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=123http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=456

I've already removed the pid=123 page from the db but because of the cms code the site still returns a 202 when some one tries to access the page. 我已经从数据库中删除了pid=123页面,但是由于cms代码,当有人尝试访问该页面时,该站点仍返回202。 I thought I could use a 301 redirect in .htaccess to make the redirect work, ie: 我以为可以在.htaccess使用301重定向来使重定向工作,即:

redirect 301 pages.php?pid=123 http://www.example.com/pages.php?pid=456

but this doesn't work, Apache still return 202 when trying to fetch the pid=123 page. 但这不起作用,当尝试获取pid = 123页面时,Apache仍返回202。 Also, I've tried using mod_rewrite, but it doesn't work: 另外,我尝试使用mod_rewrite,但是它不起作用:

RewriteRule ^pages.php?pid=123$ pages.php?pid=456 [R=301,L]

Any ideas what could be wrong and how I can fix the 301 redirect? 任何想法可能有什么问题,以及如何解决301重定向?

Both the Redirect and RewriteRule directive work just on the URL path . RedirectRewriteRule指令RewriteRuleURL路径上工作。 In mod_alias ( Redirect directive) you can not test the query and in mod_rewrite ( RewriteRule directive) you need an additional RewriteCond directive : 在mod_alias( Redirect指令)中,您无法测试查询;在mod_rewrite( RewriteRule指令)中,您需要一个附加的RewriteCond指令

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)pid=123(&|$)
RewriteRule ^pages\.php$ /pages.php?pid=456 [R=301,L]

But it would certainly be better if your CMS can handle such redirects since it's your CMS that knows best what URLs are valid and what are not. 但是,如果CMS可以处理这样的重定向,那肯定会更好,因为您的CMS最清楚什么URL有效,什么URL不有效。

You can perform the redirect in PHP (which probably knows more about what to redirect where) using header() . 您可以使用header()在PHP中执行重定向(这可能会更多地了解在何处重定向header()

Please note that ? 请注意? is a special character used by regular expressions, so your regex matches pages.phppid=123 and pages.phppid=123 . 是正则表达式使用的特殊字符,因此您的正则表达式匹配pages.phppid=123pages.phppid=123

Even then, I don't think the query string (including the ?pid=123 part) is used in the URL handled by RewriteRule , so you would need to use something like: 即使这样,我也不认为RewriteRule处理的URL中使用了查询字符串(包括?pid=123部分),因此您将需要使用类似以下内容:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^pid=123$
RewriteRule ^pages.php$ pages.php?pid=456 [R=301,L]

This shouldn't work as is, but it should give you some ideas. 这不应该按原样进行,但是应该可以给您一些想法。

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