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[英]Determining if root logger is set to DEBUG level in Python?

If I set the logging module to DEBUG with a command line parameter like this: 如果我使用命令行参数将日志记录模块设置为DEBUG:

if (opt["log"] == "debug"):

How can I later tell if the logger was set to DEBUG? 我怎么能告诉记录器是否设置为DEBUG? I'm writing a decorator that will time a function if True flag is passed to it, and if no flag is given, it defaults to printing timing information when the root logger is set to DEBUG. 我正在编写一个装饰器,如果传递了True标志,它将为一个函数计时,如果没有给出标志,它将默认为在根记录器设置为DEBUG时打印定时信息。


logging.getLogger() without arguments gets the root level logger. 不带参数的logging.getLogger()获取根级别记录器。

http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#logging.Logger.getEffectiveLevel http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#logging.Logger.getEffectiveLevel

Actually, there's one better: use the code logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) . 实际上,还有一个更好: 使用代码logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) I found it while trying to understand what to do with the result of getEffectiveLevel() . 我在试图理解如何处理getEffectiveLevel()的结果时发现了它。

Below is the code that the logging module itself uses. 以下是日志记录模块本身使用的代码。

def getEffectiveLevel(self):
    Get the effective level for this logger.

    Loop through this logger and its parents in the blogger hierarchy,
    looking for a non-zero logging level. Return the first one found. 
    logger = self
    while logger:
        if logger.level:
            return logger.level
        logger = logger.parent
    return NOTSET

def isEnabledFor(self, level):
    Is this logger enabled for level ‘level’?
    if self.manager.disable >= level:
        return 0
    return level >= self.getEffectiveLevel()


logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG

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